Ice Shards - By Yasmine Galenorn Page 0,29

as I went.

Fixing my Aqualine Crystal back in the wand, I set it to one side and burrowed deep in the pelts. The day had been long, and I was exhausted. And there was nowhere left but sleep for me to go without the memory of Vikkommin shadowing me.

WHEN I WOKE, Kitää had set a tray beside me. Hot broth, dense bread, and a soft creamy cheese. She had added an apple and a piece of jerky to the plate.

“Is it daybreak?” I had no clue as to what time it was. Surprisingly, I felt well rested and couldn’t remember if I’d dreamed or not, but my body was relaxed and warm. “I slept well. Thank you for the chance to meditate and pray by myself.”

“Aye, it is daybreak, nearly. Your friends still sleep. Should I wake them up? And yes, you would sleep well here. These caverns are protected by Aatu’s magic, and Aatu watches over all of his children as they sleep.”

That made sense. Being one of the Immortals, Howl would not need sleep. I gave her a soft smile. “No, let my friends rest. Wake them up after I am gone. I don’t want them arguing and trying to go with me. They came for support, but they cannot face the shadow beside me. This is my battle, and mine alone.”

I bit into the bread, and as it melted in my mouth I was struck by the thought that this might very well be my last meal, but I pushed it away. What would be, would be. What was destined to happen would, and I would live or I would die as my Lady willed it.

When I finished eating, Kitää helped me dress, gently zipping up my tunic and wrapping me with my cloaks. I grasped my wand and she stopped me.

“What is that ring?”

“Trenyth gave it to me. It’s the ring of Shevah—an elfin gift from a wonderful friend.” I held my hand out, gazing at the stone. I’d almost forgotten that I wore it—my hands had been buried in gloves since we’d arrived here.

“Do not forget you bear it. That gem will guide you to safety.” She gazed at it, then reached out and stroked my hair back, brushing it for me with long, soft strokes. “Don’t tie back your hair. I know it doesn’t make sense, but let those golden strands be yet another cloak. Let your beauty and light shine forth, Ar’jant d’tel. You know you are still her chosen one—perhaps not for what originally was ordained, but she walks in your aura, she guides your tongue and heart. That is so easy to see.”

I slipped into my boots, and Kitää arranged my hair so it streamed down my back, and I picked up my wand. “I’m ready,” I said, looking up at her.

She flashed me a brave smile. “I have faith in you, my friend.”

And so she led me to the mouth of the cavern where I slipped out into the early light of day.

THE SNOW WAS falling. I gazed across the expanse of mountainside. The sheets of ice were slick, glazing down over the rock. With a rock hammer, crampons on the bottom of my boots, and a length of rope over my shoulder, I was as ready as I’d ever be.

I slowly began to pick my way across the expanse of compact snow. It was so crusted over and I was so light that I only sank in to my ankles, but still, walking was slow going, and more than once I wished for snowshoes instead.

As the flurry blew flakes to stick on my hair, my eyelashes, my forehead, I wondered at the wisdom of letting my hair stay down. Ankle-length hair, when it didn’t have a life of its own like Smoky’s, could be dangerous in battle. And it was equally hard to manage in a storm like this. But Kitää had been so insistent that I decided she must have some sort of foresight on the subject.

Slowly, one step at a time, balancing myself with a walking stick I’d picked up before heading out of the cave, I worked my way across the expanse. I had one thing in my favor: Because of my small stature, my center of gravity was low and it was less likely I would fall than if I’d been of average size.

The wind blew something fierce, and I watched as the clouds raced across the sky, sending the snow into a sideways whirl. Copyright 2016 - 2024