Ice Shards - By Yasmine Galenorn Page 0,23

their chests and knelt as the Great Winter Wolf Spirit passed by them. We followed in his wake, first me, then Smoky, then Camille and Roz behind her.

Howl stopped by a stone worn smooth into a throne. He slid off the heavy fur and, bare-chested but with a wolf pelt around his neck, took his place on the dais. With the headdress and pelts off, he reminded me a little of the Autumn Lord. His hair was jet-black streaked with silver, now that I could see it, and his eyes were the color of chocolate, dripping with gold flecks.

He was vivid in that unearthly way the Elemental Lords had, and as I gazed at him, surrounded by his people, I slowly dropped to the floor, kneeling. Beside me, Camille and Rozurial had done the same. Smoky stood tall but inclined his head.

Howl rose, then looked around at his people who gathered to watch—in both wolf and human form. He held up the staff that had been lying by his throne, with a handle made of wood, inlaid with bone.

“Listen well. These four are under my protection. Lord Iampaatar, Rozurial the incubus, Lady Camille, and Lady Iris walk under my cloak. Let no one who honors me lift paw or hand against them.”

There was a collective shuffle, as if the Pack wasn’t sure what to think, but then—as one body—the men standing by him went down on their knees, heads thrown back, exposing their throats. The wolves in the hall rolled over, all of them, onto their backs, again exposing their bellies and throats.

Howl took a long look around the chamber at every throat that had been presented. “On pain of death, you have submitted to my will. Remember well, my people.”

He clapped and the wolves returned to attention. “Now, will my wife come forward? I wish to present you to our guests, my love.”

Slowly, one of the largest, most beautiful white wolves rose and padded forward. In the blink of an eye, she shimmered, and a woman stood beside Howl. She was short—about five five—and sturdily built with visible muscle under an even layer of padding. Her eyes were glistening, pale blue, and her hair was as silver as Smoky’s. She was dressed in a white pair of soft leather pants and matching tunic. A long white pelt draped down from her back and it was then I realized that these wolves weren’t typical Weres.

They’re like the selkie, I thought. Their pelts were worn as cloaks when they were in human form, around their necks. I decided to keep my mouth shut, though. The subject was personal and could be a secret that few mortals knew about. And it didn’t do to let the Immortals know you were in on their secrets.

“I present to you my wife, Kitää, Queen and Mother of the Katabas Wolf People.”

She gave us a brief nod, taking us in with those brilliant blue eyes, her gaze stopping as she came to Smoky. “Iampaatar!” With a sharp laugh, she threw her arms around the dragon and gave him a hearty hug before stepping back. “What brings you to our lands? I’d heard you’d stomped out of the Dragon Reaches, vowing not to return.”

Smoky sucked in a deep breath. He grinned and leaned forward in a deep bow, surprising all of us. “Lady Kitää, Queen of the Wind Wolves, I am honored to be in your presence. In the distant past, your people joined with mine to drive back the Northmen in the Rout of the Great Snow. I hearken back to that friendship on this journey and ask for a traveler’s respite.”

Kitää let out a low laugh. “My husband,” she said, turning to Howl, “you have unleashed a dragon in our midst? What are you thinking, my Lord? But for a dragon, Iampaatar is one of the better ones. And he tells a feisty tale or two, at that.” There was a shuffle and murmuring throughout the chamber, but she held up her hand and the room fell instantly silent. Stepping forward, she looked Smoky up and down, then gave a little shrug.

“You seem to be in fair enough health, Prince. Introduce your companions.”

Prince? I glanced over at Smoky and saw Roz and Camille doing the same, but he gave us a short shake of the head, a warning in his eye.

“I left the name Iampaatar behind when I left the Dragon Reaches. I am known as Smoky by my friends,” he said softly. “I present Copyright 2016 - 2024