I Regret Nothing - JB Trepagnier Page 0,9

from my pack after a massive argument with my alpha about a kill they had approached us about. I had a big fucking problem with it. Some witches wanted us to kill their human neighbor because he played his music too loudly, and it was disturbing their chanting. Honestly? I could have roughed up the neighbor a little and gotten him to stop. I didn’t need to make him dead just so some witches could have some peace and quiet.

That was what I wanted to do, but my alpha kept insisting they wouldn’t pay us as much if we didn’t kill him. That was when I was done. There needed to be a line somewhere over who assassins killed. Were we just going to start taking people out because their dog shit on your lawn? It was annoying, but beating people could be just as effective.

I stepped out on my own and got my name out. I only took the jobs I wanted to take. And it usually involved killing bad people. Sometimes, the problem was they got caught before I could get a bullet in their head or rip their throat out with my teeth. Getting a job in Silverhold was so much easier. It was like shooting fish in a barrel. There were plenty of wolves in here for murder I could blame it on too.

The Silver Fox had pissed many people off, but no one wanted her dead as far as I knew. Hunting for fun was still fun, and I intended to do that all over this prison until I figured out exactly what the pretty little thing was.

Because I liked the way she smelled, and the hunt was officially on. She just didn’t know it.

Chapter 7



hadn’t gotten to the actual prison part of Silverhold, but I was following this guard, thinking I had pretty enormous balls knowing these handcuffs didn’t take away my magic. I could defend myself if Venus or anyone else came at me. I was telling myself I could do this, and it wouldn’t be that bad. I could deal with seven years as long as they didn’t put me back in solitary. I had a feeling I was in there the first time because of Venus, and she had to deal with it too.

All my bravado melted away when I was led to a metal door, and a massive wolf was standing there. I could tell he was an alpha too. Hauser told me all about alpha wolves. I was supposed to avoid them at all costs. I usually avoided shifters in general, so they didn’t scent my secret. And this fucking wolf was looking at me like I made him curious. Note to self, avoid him at all costs.

“Inmate, this is CO Faust. He’s going to be responsible for you doing your stay. You won’t get jack shit in here unless you earn it, but you can always ask him for something if you think you have.”

Faust’s amber eyes glittered, and he grinned at me. Even if I hadn’t been told to stay away from alphas, that smile was dangerous. He was way too interested in me as an inmate, and that was the smile of a killer. I stopped dead in my tracks. It was only my first day, but did they let you swap COs if yours was crazy?

Faust stalked over to me and yanked my chains. He also sniffed my hair. Because that wasn’t creepy. And he growled at me. I was pressed right up against his chest as he frog marched me through the door.

“I know you aren’t a simple fox shifter,” he growled in my ear. “You might fool everyone in here, but I’m going to find out the truth, little prey.”

“I’ve never been to prison before, but I’m pretty sure guards aren’t supposed to hunt inmate, asshole.”

He just chuckled and dug his fingers into my arm.

“If it’s a good hunt, no one knows about it. I only gave you the heads up to make it more fun. Rat me out, and I’ll tell them they need to take a harder look at your cuffs. Doctor Cromwell is nothing if predictably lazy, and we just took in a fox shifter. Let me guess, she skipped the blood test and just keyed the cuffs the same as our latest fox.”

This guy right here. If he knew my cuffs weren’t keyed right, why wasn’t he ratting me out? He said he didn’t know what I was, but

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