I Regret Nothing - JB Trepagnier Page 0,57

thinks they deserve to die for him because he’s owed the throne.”

Fergus just crossed his arms and grinned at me.

“I know the type. We have them in the Fae realm too. Annoying little pissants who think they are owed everything and don’t care what they do to get it. We’ve fought entire wars about it.”

“If you wanted to get creative with that fire dragon of yours, I won’t complain. I’ve heard stories.”

Fergus just winked at me.

“It turns my wife on, and she likes to brag.”

See, I wanted that with Rei. I wanted to learn all the fucked up things she did so I could brag about her all around Hell. Even though she was in danger from them, I wanted to shout from the rooftops she’d successfully stolen from the Aether Circle. Every single one of these men got this dreamy look on their faces when Fergus mentioned Serafina. I wanted that so badly, and I didn’t even know what Rei’s favorite food was because of Kudan.

“Is it true you can make his head explode?”

“If I shrink and fly into his ear. If I fly down his throat, I can do the entire body, but it’s super messy.”

I wouldn’t have minded that, but Amduscias disagreed.

“Can we avoid exploding anyone? It took me ages to get burnt warlock out my hair when we were breaking out of Scorchwood.”

Roman was a Vampire who always seemed to have this mad look in his eyes and frenetic energy. He kept fidgeting, and it was making me nervous.

“I like it when Fergus makes people go splody, but if you don’t want a mess, I can rip his head off.”

Wouldn’t that technically cause a mess too? Vampires were so weird. We didn’t have a lot of them in Hell and none in my region. They always stared at people like I stared at a plate of takoyaki, hot from our chef. They looked at you like you were their favorite food, and every Vampire here was attached to someone who let them feed on them. Roman was married to both Amduscias and Serafina, so he really shouldn’t be looking at me like a plate of gyozas.

“It’s so uncouth to try to kill your father, and it’s a pretty big rule here never to hurt another demon unless they ask you to. We can’t just kill Kudan, no matter how much he deserves it. Even his little minions need to be tortured for plotting to hurt another demon. It’s the law. Did you want Serafina to plan how it happens when they finally decide to kill him? When she puts her head together with Solron and Charley, she plans beautiful executions. Did you know she planned Zepar and Warden Skinner’s execution after the whole Scorchwood and takeover nonsense?”

He said it so proudly, and those stories reached us even in my region. Would Rei be good at that? I wanted to know every little thing about her. I couldn’t do a damned thing until we took care of Kudan.

“I agree. Take him alive if at all possible, but if you can’t, I think everyone in Hell would breathe a sigh of relief if he were dead.”

Amduscias just shook his head.

“But they won’t get the satisfaction of knowing he suffered a really long time first and begged for it. Male Kitsune are nowhere near as powerful as the females, and Kudan is soft. Between all of us, we can take him alive.”

“We don’t need him portalling out of the prison if he’s there,” Fergus said. “I’ve followed the Scorchwood renovations. They are working on the prison down below. I traveled all around the prison when I was digging into it. Warden Skinner never stayed there, but she had apartments near the guard’s quarters. I would lay odds Kudan is in her old apartments, and his followers are in the guard’s apartments.”

“I agree. From what I know about Kudan, he wouldn’t be caught dead in the shit hole that is the rest of the prison, even if everyone in Hell wants a few centuries with him in their dungeon,” Amduscias said.

“Has Kudan met the Fae before?”

I shook my head.

“He’s been in hiding well before you got here, and he’s not old enough to have been around when the Fae were here negotiating Scorchwood.”

“Good. Then he won’t recognize a Fae portal. He’ll know a demon one straight off and open his own to get out of there. Stand back. If he’s holed up in the warden’s apartment, we are about to

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