I Regret Nothing - JB Trepagnier Page 0,34

didn’t mean he wasn’t killing people in this prison. I didn’t need a psycho wolf up my ass when we tried to break out of here. Still, maybe he could solve my Venus problem.

Faust held out his hand.

“Bring me your file. I’ll get your commissary set up. It takes forty-eight hours for the transfer to process, and then you can buy what you need. Get some flip flops because there are all kinds of nasty bacteria in the shower. There’s a microwave in the kitchen, and you can buy noodle cups if you hate the food here. There’s junk food if that’s your thing. You can eat it or trade it. You can also buy toiletries. Lock those in the cubby in your cell because they get stolen often. I don’t need to tell you there are bad people here.”

Why was he being so helpful today? What the fuck happened after it was lights out for the night, and he returned in the morning? Because Faust was being super helpful for someone who acted like that when we first met and had stacks of paperwork like he didn’t give a shit about inmates here.

“What is the catch? Why are you suddenly being so helpful?”

“I’m not a bad person, Rei. I realize I fucked things up when I met you. I guess I just got wrapped up in smelling nothing like you before and turned it into a game. It was stupid. You were probably terrified of being in prison for the first time, and I made it worse. I’m sorry.”

Oh, shit. Did big, bad Faust just apologize to me and make it a good one? My eyes traveled up his uniform to meet his. He looked sincere and like he desperately wanted me to accept it.

I still didn’t trust him, but something told me Faust was deeper than Rajack gave him credit for.

Chapter 25



hy was Faust fucking things up for us? I didn’t even know what this was. If Faust wanted to know what she was so bad, there was a doctor who could have drawn blood and told him. He was letting an inmate run loose with magic, and it was like he didn’t even care if that could eventually crash down on his head and get him fired.

Why was Faust so interested? I could admit Rei was easily the prettiest inmate in here. I wanted to run my hands through that long, white hair, and I loved how her violet eyes were always sparkling with some kind of trouble. I loved that she was probably only helping us because breaking out of prison seemed fun to her.

Rajack was filling me in on everything he knew about Kitsunes. How fucking lucky did we get? The fact that they could only nail her for so little was making a lot of sense. He didn’t know how much of what he read was true or not, but they were also supposed to be fiercely loyal, which we definitely needed.

We just needed to get her alone in the mailroom to fill her in on the entire plan so she could get to stealing. One of the major things we needed her to steal was a set of cuff keys, but Rajack and I had already discussed this sorting mail. It was way too dangerous to steal them from Faust. If Faust’s keys went missing, he wouldn’t report it like he was supposed to. He’d torture inmates until he got the keys back.

We’d already picked our target for whose keys got stolen. Rajack and I both hated Brody. He was inept and cruel. He wouldn’t report his keys missing either. He was a fuck up and would have assumed he misplaced them. Brody would search for the keys himself and explore every single option that didn’t involve murdering inmates before he reported his keys were lost. And we’d be long gone before that happened.

It helped that the guards here were just as bad as us criminals.

“Hey, we got the panty order today. Do you think Rei wants some?” Rajack asked.

I had learned my gargoyle friend had a bit of a demon obsession, and now that we knew Rei was a Kitsune, he was always looking at her with stars in his eyes. She was beautiful, I could admit that, but we hardly knew her. I wanted to get to know her better, and I liked what I knew, but I didn’t want Rajack running her off.

“Rajack, you cannot gift lacy panties to a

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