I Regret Nothing - JB Trepagnier Page 0,30

He’d shocked me more times than I could count. It was Faust you had to worry about in here.

“Something funny, inmate?” he demanded.

Brody liked to shock people, but I loved fucking with him. He was this weasley warlock, and I could have beaten his ass all across this prison, even with these handcuffs on that took away my gargoyle. Brody just got so uppity when you made fun of him, and he gave me the perfect opening, even if I wasn’t grinning about Rei.

“Your fly is open, Brody. The witches here wouldn’t touch that pencil dick with a ten-foot pole. Did you fuck one of the rat shifters? I’ll bet you did.”

I cracked up laughing as Brody lost it. He shocked me in the stomach and kicked me into my cell. I stumbled back and fell into my cot, laughing. Brody finished his count, and Dakarys joined me.

“You know Brody is one of those purists that doesn’t believe races should mix, right? If you had just pointed out he left his fly down, he probably wouldn’t have shocked you again.”

“I know all about what Brody thinks. He was so pissed when he found Wren with that shifter. He threw her in solitary for slumming with a wolf, and not a damned thing happened to the wolf. Can we beat Brody on the way out? We owe him for Wren.”

“Don’t be stupid,” Dakarys hissed. “Are we going to take out every shitty guard in here? Want to go toe to toe with Faust?”

I just laughed. Nothing could spoil my good mood now that I knew just how much we’d lucked out with Rei. I was curious how she ended up here since demons rarely hung out on Earth. They had always fascinated me. They were so secretive, and there was an entire realm of them. I didn’t even know what the different kinds were.

Every culture on Earth wrote about different kinds of demons they feared. I loved reading about all of them when I was free, but I had no idea how much of that was real and how much was just silly superstition. There was a demon in Scorchwood. I tried to ask. I did. I wanted to know everything about Hell and what kind of demon he was. He told me to get the fuck out of his cell, or he’d show me. I knew how my gargoyle matched up against almost every supernatural species, but there was too much I didn’t know about demons. I got right the fuck out of his cell and dropped it.

I read about what demons they had in Japan when I spent seven months there on a job. My job before I got arrested was importing and exporting for my family’s company. I love that job. I traveled all over the world, making contacts and finding items.

It was just fucking luck I met Dakarys in Scorchwood, and we hit it off. It was kismet we got transferred here and assigned the mailroom where they stuck people who didn’t have a gang. We wouldn’t have been able to get our little business up and running with other people in there, but someone got released, and someone else got dead. It was probably fucking Faust, but we couldn’t prove it.

“Rajack? What the fuck is a Kitsune, and why are you so fucking excited about it?”

“I learned about them when I visited Japan, but I didn’t know if they were real or myth. They are supposed to be hyper-intelligent and clever. Depending on how it’s written, even her name means clever. Think about it. We all know she stole way more than that Grimoire. They just couldn’t prove it. We got blood tested for the cuffs because they had to, but we know they are lazy when they can get away with it. It doesn’t just play in our favor they were lazy with her. This is fucking major, Dakarys.”

And I was just ass crazy excited I’d met a demon that wasn’t grumpy fucking Amduscias. Rei was at least nice to me. I was sure she didn’t know the first thing about other demons if humans raised her, but still. My thief was a fucking demon, and I was just so excited about that.

I hoped I could keep her when we broke out.

Chapter 23



hated this fucking prison with a passion. There were no windows anywhere, and there wasn’t even fresh air in the yard they gave the prisoners. It was a giant dome that they projected

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