I Regret Nothing - JB Trepagnier Page 0,25

us with a list to make it. That’s not protocol for our business. Every group has a delegate that brings us a list for the entire gang. We get nothing unless it’s on a list from the delegate and approved by their leader. Some things don’t need to see the inside of this prison, and they know we won’t get it. If it’s dangerous, they’d better have a good fucking reason for asking for it.”

Venus was a thief, but I didn’t know if she had killed before. It wouldn’t shock me after what she did to Hauser. The Vampires that went after him after she betrayed him could have killed him instead of just beating him three times. If she were willing to double-cross on a job, it wouldn’t be too far off that she would try to kill Astrid to have every witch in this jail do her dirty work for her.

“So, what are we doing about Venus?”

“Nothing just yet. Astrid wants to handle it. She may eventually. I’d snap her neck if we didn’t piss the witches off. We need them on our side.”

“For this big plan you need a thief for? Am I going to find out what that is soon?”

“Soon. Trust building. Right now, we’re just trying to protect you from Venus and Faust. We’ll get there.”

I was oddly okay with not knowing for now. I didn’t just steal for anyone, and I needed all the help I could get in here. My gaze wandered over to the witch table. Venus was still sitting with them, closer to Astrid this time. She wasn’t paying attention to the other witches. She met my eyes across the mess hall and made a slicing motion across her neck.

I’d never killed anyone before, but I’d make an exception for Venus in self-defense.

Faust was at the witch table in seconds. He glared at Venus.

“Are you making death threats, inmate?”

“Just saying hi to an old friend.”

“I know all about your relationship to that particular inmate. Do you need to calm down in solitary? Because if you cause drama in my prison, I’ll leave you in there until you go mad.”

Faust’s eyes flashed amber, and his canines elongated. Venus cowered back.

“We aren’t going to have a problem.”

Faust just created a massive problem for me. Right now, I just needed to worry about Venus. Venus and I were both kept in solitary until they moved us here. Probably for the exact same reasons for what was happening now. I nearly went nuts in there, but Venus looked rough when I saw her again.

Venus wouldn’t come at me directly with the threat of solitary hanging over her head. She was a manipulative bitch. She was going to get herself some minions or take over the coven, and they were going to come at me.

Fucking Faust. He should have just stayed out of it.

Chapter 18



s far as I was concerned, let Venus rot in solitary. She was fucking up our plans in so many ways. We didn’t just need a master thief. We needed Astrid to make a potion for us and ask as few questions as possible. We required the witches on our side. One witch was fucking up all our plans. She was trying to kill our thief, and she might try to take out our witch too.

Why weren’t we killing her again?

I usually loved working in the mailroom, but I was a hot mess knowing Faust had Rei in his office doing paperwork. We didn’t like it, and he had to have pulled a lot of strings to get an inmate as a personal assistant. Most inmates would have killed for that job if they weren’t working for Faust. Most of the jobs here were menial and back-breaking, even the mailroom. Sitting down in an office would have been a dream if you weren’t sitting in the same room as fucking Faust.

The only reason I wasn’t totally flipping about her being in there was that Faust threatened Venus with solitary after she made that motion to Rei. He could have just wanted to kill her himself, but for now, he was protecting her. That gave us time to figure out our Faust problem. And having Rei in a COs office would work to our advantage. One of the things we needed her to steal was cuff keys.

I just hoped she opened up soon about the things she was hiding because we needed to hurry if we were going to get out of here.

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