I Knew You Were Trouble - Cassie Mae Page 0,78

as scary as I thought.”

“Such a rebel.”

She sticks her tongue out at me, then she buckles her painting in. Ah… there’s the other side to her. She’s the perfect mix of rebel and careful, and I love every bit of it.


Pete looks at me like he’s got some secret I’m not privy to, and he won’t let me in on it. I hip bump my door shut and give him a goodbye hug. He’s got a lot to face tonight, and as much as I want to be right by his side through it all, I know it’ll be better with just his family.

“I love you,” I tell him. “A lot.”

He rocks me in his arms. “I love you a lot.”

We kiss one more time. And then again. And okay, one more, and then I finally let him head toward Gertrude. I slide into the driver’s seat and watch as he pulls from the school’s parking lot. My lips tingle and my heart sings happy tunes, and I relax into a sweet euphoric state.

I had no idea being this happy was even possible, and holy wow, is it not only possible, but it’s so much better than anything I’ve ever imagined. It’s like when I first picked up a paint brush, but times ten.

I grin at my canvas next to me, straightening my shoulders. I did it. Heck yeah, I did it. And now when I see a penis in a much more romantic setting, I might not be so surprised by what it looks like and I can completely focus on just being with Pete.

I mean… Well, yeah, let’s face it. It’ll most definitely be Pete.

A small, giddy laugh drops from my lips, and I pull my phone out, scrolling through my downloaded files to my list of fears. Of course I have a digital copy. Or three.

I click the edit button and tap on the very top fear.

Sex. Fear level: violet.

I long press on it, waiting for it to ask me if I want to change the font, size, color… I click the highlight button. My finger taps the red so quickly I don’t really think about it.

Red is low. The lowest. And I never thought I’d see the word sex highlighted in such a color, but here we are. It’s not so scary anymore, and not just because I’m a grown up now who has seen male genitals. It’s completely because everything feels so safe with Pete, and I can’t imagine sharing this with him would be anything but exciting and fun.

It’s still nerve-wracking and I don’t think I’m ready yet, so it’ll stay on the list, but he might be happy to see the drop in fear level.

I laugh to myself again as I picture his face, all slack-jawed and adorable. He’ll tease me mercilessly, I’m sure. And I’ll punch him, and he’ll tickle me, and we’ll start kissing and never want to stop. Until we do because we’ll probably be making out in a totally inappropriate place again.

Even that doesn’t sound so bad, though.

Wow, the thought of doing any of that would’ve put me into cardiac arrest just a month ago. He says he didn’t want me to change, but I kind of have. There is a penis portrait next to me, for heaven’s sake!

But I still won’t swear. And come on, tucking in shirts is just good manners at work. Color coding lists is fun, not at all anal. I’m almost a mix now of the version I thought I wanted to be and the person I really am.

The more I think about it… he is too. I always thought he was a bad boy who flipped the bird to any and every rule. Little did I know he was such a softie on the inside.

My phone buzzes in the center console, and I break out of my reverie to answer.

Will you stay up past bedtime tonight? Let me stop by after I’m done with this?

I do have enough pillows for another wall between us, though I don’t think we’ll need it.

Make me stay up?? Sigh… I suppose I could leave the door unlocked for you.

If you don’t stay up for me, I’ll just have to join you in bed.

Bring it on.

He doesn’t answer, and I assume he’s now racing to talk to his dad, and the thought curls a grin on my lips. There’s no doubt in my mind that I’ll leave that door unlocked, that he’ll find me pretending to sleep with

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