I Killed Zoe Spanos - Kit Frick Page 0,118

I started with a few drops, but then, I drained the bottle. I figured Caden would come home from the city, find the flash drive, and decide he needed a drink. It was a perfect plan. He’d pour himself a glass of whiskey, and it would make him sick. Poetic justice.

But it didn’t happen that way.

What I told police about getting a bad feeling in my gut that night was true. But I wasn’t just feeling guilty about the flash drive. I knew I’d gone overboard. I’d poured too much Demerol in.

Of course, I was way too late. By the time I got there, she’d drained the last drop from the bottle. Demerol, whiskey, the prescription meds she took for astraphobia and generalized anxiety—the combination was deadly.

I’m sorry, Zoe. I’m so, so sorry.

When they found her body, there was so little left of her. The coroner wasn’t able to confirm the presence of Demerol in her bloodstream, but I know. I killed my sister. It was a mistake, the worst mistake possible, but they never would have ruled her death an accident if I’d told the whole story.

The truth’s out there now, a version of it anyway. Another tragedy for people to ogle and judge. But there are some secrets—my secrets—that Windermere will hold forever, trapped beneath the ash like spilled blood.


When I began writing I Killed Zoe Spanos in early 2018, two obsessions were swirling through my head: Daphne du Maurier’s classic thriller Rebecca and the recent boom of true crime podcasts following the wildly popular Serial. I wanted to marry the romantic seaside intrigue of Rebecca with the immediacy of the podcast format. What if Rebecca de Winter had gone missing today? Once I landed on the Hamptons setting, the rest fell swiftly into place.

So many people’s enthusiasm and smarts have gone into Zoe’s creation and publication. First thanks go to my incredible agent, Erin Harris, whose instant excitement for this book—long before it was actually a book—and intimate knowledge of the setting inspired me to dig in deep and make it real. My editors at McElderry Books were fantastic partners in ensuring every aspect of the mystery ticked and each member of the book’s cast of characters became layered and compelling. To Ruta Rimas and Nicole Fiorica, my utmost gratitude for your editorial guidance and fabulous advocacy. I am truly lucky to have had both of your hands and minds on this project.

Also at McElderry and Simon & Schuster, my sincerest thanks go out to publisher Justin Chanda; publicist Audrey Gibbons; art director Debra Sfetsios-Conover and artist Levente Szabó, who so brilliantly brought Anna—or is it Zoe?—to life on the cover; Laura Bernard, who illustrated the gorgeous map of Herron Mills in exactly the way I’d envisioned the town; in-house designers Irene Metaxatos and Rebecca Syracuse, who so beautifully coordinated the design; managing editor Bridget Madsen; copyeditor Ellen Winkler; production manager Elizabeth Blake-Linn; proofreader Mandy Veloso; deputy publisher Anne Zafian; and the fantastic sales, marketing, and operations teams. My tremendous thanks for all the in-house support!

At WME, heartfelt gratitude to my fierce film and TV agent Hilary Zaizt Michael. At Folio, big thanks to the international rights team, especially Melissa Sarver White and Madeline Froyd, and to audio rights manager Kat Odom-Tomchin. At Brillstein and eOne, much appreciation to Amy Powell and Kaleb Tuttle for your creative enthusiasm. At MBC, thank you immensely to my savvy publicist Megan Beatie.

I Killed Zoe Spanos would have been a much less thrilling and much clumsier read without the keen feedback from my early readers Karen M. McManus and Osvaldo Oyola. I can’t thank you enough for your time and brilliance in shining a light on the areas that needed my closest focus. And to the NovelSleuths: your support has blown me away; you rock!

I am incredibly lucky to have the most supportive family and friends a writer could hope for. To Mom, Dad, Aunt Sally, Sonia, Lissette, and Angel—you’re the best. To Katie, Francie, and Winnie, you give the best snuggles (and cause the most trouble). To my ladies—you mean the world to me. To Osvaldo—you get two mentions, and with good reason. I couldn’t do this without you.

Finally, to my readers. You cannot possibly know how excited I am to be sharing my third book with you. So I’m going to try to convey it here: I AM SHOUTY CAPS LEVEL EXCITED!!! Thank you for picking up my YA-Rebecca-in-the-Hamptons novel. I hope it was as fun and twisty to read as it was for me to write.

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About the Author

Author photograph © Carly Gaebe / Steadfast Studio

KIT FRICK is a novelist, poet, and MacDowell Colony fellow from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She Studied creative writing at Sarah Lawrence College and received her MFA from Syracuse University. When she isn’t putting complicated characters in impossible situations, Kit edits poetry and literary fiction for a small press and edits private clients. She is the author of See All the Stars and All Eyes on Us. Visit Kit online at KitFrick.com and on Instagram and Twitter @KitFrick.

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Margaret K. McElderry Books

Simon & Schuster, New York

Also by Kit Frick

See All the Stars

All Eyes on Us

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This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Text copyright © 2020 by Kristin S. Frick

Jacket illustration copyright © 2020 by Levente Szabó

Map illustration by Laura Bernard

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Book design by Debra Sfetsios-Conover and Irene Metaxatos

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Frick, Kit, author.

Title: I killed Zoe Spanos / Kit Frick.

Description: First edition. | New York : Margaret K. McElderry Books, [2020] | Audience: Ages 14 up | Audience: Grades 10–12 | Summary: Working as a nanny in the Hamptons before starting college, Anna learns of her weird connection to a missing girl, but after she confesses to manslaughter a podcast producer helps reveal life-changing truths.

Identifiers: LCCN 2019025732 (print) | ISBN 9781534449701 (hardcover) | ISBN 9781534449725 (eBook)

Subjects: CYAC: Missing persons—Fiction. | Nannies—Fiction. | Podcasts—Fiction. | Hamptons (N.Y.)—Fiction. | Mystery and detective stories.

Classification: LCC PZ7.1.F75478 Iaah 2020 (print) | DDC [Fic]—dc23

LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2019025732

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