I Am the Wild (The Night Firm #1)- Karpov Kinrade Page 0,88

here?” He says it so casually; I can’t help but laugh.

“I had wondered about it,” I say. “But this wasn’t what I was expecting. Who are they?”

“These two are called Mable and Cili,” says Liam.

Derek rolls his eyes. “You call all of them Mable and Cili.”

“True, but only because we don’t have a great way to communicate. We can share general ideas, but not specifics.”

Elijah sighs, elaborating. “They are ancient beings. Ones who worked for this castle for centuries before we took residence. It would have been rude to kick them out, so instead we made a deal. They keep the castle tidy, and in exchange we maintain their unmarked graves on the grounds. As well as light candles for their souls once a year when the veil is thinnest, allowing them to join the living for a night and celebrate the pleasures of the flesh, as it were.”

“Wow,” I say simply. Sometimes simple words are best.

We lie quietly then, all of us bundled up together, gazing into the fire, none of us ready to leave. After a while, I feel Liam tensing beside me, something painful building within. His voice is fraught with nerves when he speaks. "I have something to tell you all. Something you should know about me and Mary.”

The truth is hard for Liam to admit, especially to his brothers, but to their credit they remain quiet as he tells his story. "By the time we found out she was pregnant, we were no longer having an affair," he says. "But I had to stand by her to the end. And now, I must stay and stand by my daughter, whatever might come."

"So you’re a father," Derek says, with a small smile. "Imagine that."

“Who is taking care of the babe now?” asks Sebastian.

“The Ifrits,” says Liam. “Ifi and Elal.”

Of course, I realize. They’re granting Mary’s last wish.

Eventually, the natural urges of waking take effect, and I excuse myself to use the bathroom, and we all begin our day. I’m pretty sure it would be night in the mundane world at this hour. But here, in the Otherworld, the schedule of the sun matters little and I've lost all sense of that rhythm. I'm finding a new rhythm in the Otherworld.

As I finish freshening up, Lily bounces into my room, insisting we go shopping for new dresses for the Midwinter festival. I agree, and we make plans to meet the Night brothers at the festivities. Four am sharp.

Lily offers to take me in the carriage, but I insist she refrain from driving people around on the holiday. Besides, the weather is lovely today. Though snow covers the roads, the air is gentle and warm, the Dragon’s Breath burning bright in the sky.

Lily guides me to a nearby market full of odd trinkets and food. Together, we find a deep blue gown with tiny rhinestones sewn in around the collar and cuffs. "This,” she says eagerly. “This is perfect. You'll look like the sky at twilight."

I smile and buy the dress, using Otherworld money my job at the Night Firm provides. Gold and silver and copper coins.

Lily buys a dress for herself as well. A leaf-green gown adorned with white flowers. She guides me to the changing room where we can both dress ourselves and then we head out to the center of town.

We can hear the festivities before we see them. Live music filling the streets. Fireworks filling the sky. The smell of freshly baked treats in the air. There are carts and stalls set up along both sides of the street, a hundred different merchants with wares for sale, and I'm practically overwhelmed by all the choices that confront me. We move from stall to stall, taking in the dazzling displays before moving quickly on to the next. My cheeks hurt from so much grinning as I pull Lily ahead faster, excited to let off some steam and party like it's 1699.

We arrive earlier than planned, and the brothers are nowhere to be seen as Lily walks off to grab us drinks. I do notice some familiar faces though.

"Look who we have here," Ifi says. "If it isn't the little mundane who isn't."

Ifi and Elal walk over hand in hand, sipping on purple drinks, their skin aflame with golden fire that they let fade into nothing as they approach.

"I was worried I wouldn't know anyone,” I say. "It's so good to see you.”

"Elal here thought you'd be long gone by now, but I assured him you're

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