I Am the Wild (The Night Firm #1)- Karpov Kinrade Page 0,86

life is when men are afraid of the light. ~ Plato

Liam and I pull away from each other like guilty teenagers caught making out in the basement.

Matilda gives us both knowing looks and smiles. "It's good to see you two getting along with one another at last,” she says, in the understatement of the year.

Liam coughs and I hide a smile, my body still buzzing with need for him. It's almost painful to not be touching him right now.

"I came to tell you the verdict.” She pauses dramatically, letting us both compose ourselves. “Dracula was found innocent of all charges.”

Liam and I both exhale at the same moment, smiles playing across our lips.

Matilda continues, looking directly at me. “Eve, the Van Helsings are beyond mad with anger and grief. I expect Moira will want to see you punished for Jerry’s death, but the law is on our side in this matter. You have nothing to fear in this regard.” She says it in that way she has about her. As if she knows things the rest of us don’t.

She turns to Liam. “Your brothers had a final meeting with Dracula at the courthouse. They should return shortly.”

He nods, and her lips curl in a smile. “Very well then. I shall leave the two of you to your…celebration.” And with that she walks out the door, Moon meowing as she does, then winding around my legs and purring. As soon as we are alone again, Liam steps closer, pulling me back into his arms, a wide grin on his face. “I can hardly believe it,” he says. “We won. We…we could never have done this without you, Eve. I hope you know that.”

“I know.” I lean in to kiss him once more.

Then suddenly, Liam does something I have never seen him do before. He loses his balance.

And topples towards me, and I catch him as best I can, both of us falling into the wall.

“Are you okay?” I ask. “What happened?”

He raises his head, rubbing his forehead with his hand, when the door bursts open, and the rest of the Night brothers rush in, still dressed in the fine suits and vests they wore to the courthouse, but looking rather disheveled. “Have you felt it too, brother?” asks Sebastian.

Liam nods, his eyes widening in awe. “He’s released the sire bond.” He smiles at me, the broadest smile I’ve ever seen on his face. “We’re free!”

Elation wars with fear in my gut, and I hold Liam close and look to all of the brothers. “Does this mean you will…” I can barely say the words. “Does this mean you will go through with your plans? Will you—”

Sebastian rushes towards me and grabs my arms gently with his rough hands, studying me with his forest-green eyes. "Are you well? I would have stayed at your side, but Liam vowed to look after you while I was needed at court.”

“I’m fine.”

Before I can add more, Derek stands in front of me, his five o’clock shadow a little more beard and a little less shadow than usual over his dimpled chin. “I’m so sorry,” he says. “We swore to protect you from that monster, and yet we failed.”

“I kept myself safe,” I say.

“Indeed,” agrees Elijah, running a hand through his blonde hair, joining his brothers around me. “The evidence you procured also won the trial. We are in your debt, Miss Oliver.” He bows dramatically, with a flourish of his silver cape.

I chuckle despite myself, then sober quickly. “So…what about your oath?”

Liam looks to each of his brothers, an understanding passing between them. Then he turns to me with his amber eyes and runs a hand softly across my cheek. “There are more important things now,” he whispers. Finally, he lets me go, standing straight and speaking to all his brothers. “We have all done heinous things. And we all carry that pain differently. But I think the time has come to stop seeking an end to our lives and to instead search for ways to atone for our sins."

They all nod somberly.

All except Elijah, who lifts up one finger thoughtfully. “So what you’re all saying is…you agree with me? And I was right all along?”

A contagious laughter takes us all.

As day-time approaches, we are all tired beyond imagining and yet none of us feel inclined to be alone.

An idea sparks in my mind, and it's so silly and stupid that I love it instantly. "Let's do a sleepover," I say.

We’ve all relocated to the

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