I Am the Wild (The Night Firm #1)- Karpov Kinrade Page 0,83

against yourself.

The storm around us grows in fury and hail the size of snowballs falls from the sky, the temperature dropping dangerously fast.

I shiver, my body convulsing without guidance from me in its attempt to warm itself.

Liam curses and a warmth spreads through me, blazing through his skin and into mine, fighting the chill that's settling into my frigid body.

When darkness overtakes me once more, I see Jerry's face, his anger and hatred, his desire to see me suffer even at his own demise.

And when I open my eyes again, I see the golden eyes of Liam studying me thoughtfully, his expression unreadable.

This time I feel more-clear headed, better in control of myself. Like I can actually keep my eyes open for longer than a few second, despite the pounding in my skull.

"Where are we?" I ask, trying to sit up and failing miserably.

"Move slowly," he says. "You've been through a lot."

He offers the support of his arm to prop me up, and I see we are in his bedchamber. A fire warms the space, dancing in shadows off the walls.

A familiar purr brings a smile to my face as Moon nudges against my leg and then curls up next to my lap. I pet the fur ball. “You’re a sight for sore eyes,” I tell my cat.

Liam snorts. “The beast wouldn’t shut up. Howled outside my door for hours on end until I finally let him in. He can’t stand me, but he wouldn’t leave your side.”

I give Moon extra love for that level of loyalty and devotion.

"What happened?" I ask, my mouth dry and thick.

Liam hands me a goblet of water and I sip it gratefully. He’s sitting on the bed next to me, his arm still supporting me, our bodies pressed closely together, the heat between us tugging at my gut, sending a tingle up my spine.

Our fingers brush against each other on the bed, and his pinkie covers mine. We both studiously avoid looking at our fingers, but my every nerve is focused on how his finger feels brushing against mine.

"What happened?" he asks.

I search my memories, but it's all a bit fuzzy. "Jerry. He… he tried to kill me."

Liam's jaw clenches, and he nods. "He must have followed us from the courthouse."

"He's dead," I say. It's not a question. I remember the sound he made, a last, thin exhale as life left him. The last sound he’ll ever make.

"Yes." Liam brushes hair out of my eyes and examines my face with one hand, while keeping the other on the bed touching mine. “How do you feel? Something… something happened to you. I came at the end, but for a moment I saw. You glowed like the moon.” He looks almost frightened.

"I don't know,” I say. “I still can't entirely remember." And then I suck in my breath as more details come back to me. "What happened in court? Did the judge see the memory of Jerry covered in blood?"

My heart beats frantically against my chest as I realize we need to get back, to tell the others what happened. But Liam moves his hand to cover mine, our fingers intertwining, the heat between us growing—and this time it has nothing to do with his Druid powers.

"The trial is over,” he says. “The jury has reached a verdict and my brothers are at court now to hear it. I gave them the Memory Catcher in time.” His lips curls in a smile. “Though apparently there had been a delay. Something about a dryad running naked through the courtroom. She got away though, her face unseen.”

I chuckle lightly, but it hurts my ribs and turns into a groan.

Liam stiffens at the sound of my pain. “I came back for you as soon as I could,” he says. “I brought you home, and Matilda sent word to the court of your altercation with Jerry. She explained, in great detail, how you acted in self-defense.”

I pause. “But if you only arrived at the end, how could you know what happened?”

A playful smile crosses his lips. “I may have told the enforcers I saw the entire attack. With your previous testimony, and the memory of Jerry covered in blood, it was not hard to convince them of your innocence. You will, however, have to answer some questions eventually. The Enforcers will need your first-hand account.”

I nod. "So the court saw the memory?”

Liam nods. "They know everything."

"So they have to find Dracula innocent, right?"

"It does seem likely, though you never know

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