I Am the Wild (The Night Firm #1)- Karpov Kinrade Page 0,75

the count. “I gave you life.”

Liam frowns. "You sucked our power away, leaving us shells of our former selves.” He holds his palm out and a single flame ignites on it, glowing. "This is all that's left of who I was."

I shake my head, confused. "But then… if vampirism solved your problem, why do you still want to end your lives?"

Sebastian looks over to me, his eyes heavy with too many lifetimes of grief.

They say nothing. But I think I understand.

Some sins are too much for anyone to bear. Some crimes too heinous to forget.

I understand.

But I don’t agree.

"So you plan to die when this trial is over?" I ask, my voice cracking. "And I'm supposed to help you somehow?"

“You’re supposed to help us win this case," Derek says, not making eye contact with me. “That is why Matilda’s magic chose you. Perhaps because of your relationship with Jerome, or perhaps because of some yet unknown reason, you are critical to the outcome of these proceedings. You will help us win. Then Dracula will free us from the sire bond, and we will handle the rest."

“The rest? As in killing yourselves?”

They stay quiet, avoiding my gaze.

"I won't do it," I say, standing up, my entire body shaking with fear and anger and sadness. “I won’t help you. If you lose this case, Dracula won't release you, and you won't be able to cause any harm to yourselves.”

Derek shakes his head, finally meeting my eyes with his own. "If we lose, Dracula will be tortured for all time. The sire bond will remain, and we will feel his pain as our own. We will go mad from an eternity of torment. No. Whatever your wishes, it will be done by midwinter.”

I look to the count, my eyes pleading.

“They are not wrong,” says Dracula.

“Please,” I beg. “Please. Even if we lose, don’t make them suffer.”

“Why not?” he says, staring at his own hands, his long sharp nails. “Have I not suffered? Have I not lost all I hold dear?” He closes his eyes, a single tear falling down his cheek. “Even so, it does not matter. If the sire bond remains, they will feel what I feel. And if I free them, then they will carry out their oath. As you can see, Miss Oliver, the Night Brothers have chosen their fate.”

There’s only one way then. We have to win the case. But before we do, I must convince the Night brothers to abandon their plan.

“It’s time we return to the courtroom,” I say simply, checking the giant copper clock at the end of the hall. I take the lead, my stride quick as the others lag behind. Someone walks up beside me, and I’m surprised to see Matilda, dressed in a green gown, beads in her hair, keeping pace with me. “I thought you were staying at the castle?” I ask.

She nods. “I was.”

“Then what changed?”

“I was needed here,” she says, a kindly smile on her face. Then her features turn grim. “You understand now, what my boys intend to do.”

"We have to stop them. You have to stop them. They'll listen to you," I say, firm determination in my voice.

"I have talked to them, and in most things, they do listen. But not in this. Their pain has been too great. Their losses too deep. They cannot fathom a life of eternal darkness. They've yet to see how light can still live within them, even if they cannot live within the light."

"In lumen et lumen," I whisper.

Matilda nods. "You are their light. You are the only person who can change their hearts in this matter. That's why the spell called to you above all others."

“Wait a second.” I raise an eyebrow. “Derek said the ad chose me to help win the case.”

The old woman waves her hand dismissively. “Oh, that is what they all think, yes. That is what I told them. But they are wrong, Eve Oliver. I made a spell to find the one who can save the Night brothers. The one who can remind them of who they truly are.” She winks mischievously and steps back, chatting with Lily.

Somehow, the woman’s words always manage to cheer me up, and I walk a bit straighter then. As I near the door to the courtroom, a man cuts me off, his brown trench coat old and rugged. Jerry. He wears a wolfish grin.

“How nice to see you again, Eve,” he says smoothly, as if we were old friends. “How

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