I Am the Wild (The Night Firm #1)- Karpov Kinrade Page 0,72

had met. It can’t be coincidence.”

“What do you mean?” I ask. “He sought me out as a client?”

“Or perhaps Matilda’s ad sought you out because of him. I’m not sure.” His eyes look dark. His brow furrowed in worry.

Before we can say more, Jerome—Jerry—Van Helsing passes us by, smiling and winking at me. All four brothers stand and call for an objection at the same time.

"Your honor," Derek says, as the other brothers sit, "this is highly unusual. This man has never met with my client professionally and has a history of violence against women. He's unsuitable to be their expert witness."

At the words "violence against women" I shrink into myself, my mind clouding with the unreality of it all. What's he doing here? How is this happening?

Sebastian reaches for my hand under the table and squeezes it. The touch, the strength in it, soothes some of the frantic fear out of me, but I'm still left perplexed by the situation I now find myself in.

Moira Van Helsing stands, glancing at me before she speaks to the judge. "Your honor, my brother is an expert in the field of psychology, has given professional testimony in this court before, and is more than capable of studying Count Dracule's file and giving his expert opinion on the accused."

"Objection overruled," the dragon bellows. "You may continue."

Derek frowns and sits, his hands clenched into fists at his side.

Moira smiles and nods to the judge. "Thank you, Your Greatness."

She faces Jerry with a flourish. "Dr. Van Helsing, please recount your qualifications for the record."

My head fills with the sound of whooshing water and I feel like I'm going to vomit as Jerry stares at me while elaborating on his skill and training, including pack therapist for the Van Helsing werewolf clan.

My ex is a werewolf?

He then goes on to testify about Dracula, that he's hot headed, dangerous, abusive, feels himself above the law. All the expected attacks that we prepared for.

But we didn't prepare for what happens next.

First, the courtroom door opens and Elal, the coroner, comes in and hands a slip of paper to Derek and to Moira. He looks apologetically at us, then slinks away.

Moira's eyes widen when she reads it, and her smile is damning.

Derek looks it over and swears.

Moira admits into evidence a Memory Catcher. The crystal looks familiar.

Derek objects but is overruled again, and Moira hands the stone to Jerry, who proceeds to show the image.

"This is the memory of a cat," Jerry says. "One who lives on Count Dracule's property." Jerry speeds through until he gets to the part where Liam's shoes are clearly visible. "And these are the shoes of Mr. Liam Night, for the defense. He was there, with Mary, while Dracula was away."

The court goes wild. But the gnome woman screams for everyone to settle down, and Moira, before she loses momentum, submits the paper Elal brought in as evidence.

"And can you tell the court what this document says?" Moira asks Jerry.

Jerry smirks. "It says the child wasn't Dracula's. Which means Mary was having an affair."

Dracula stands and flips over a stone table in sheer, uncontrollable rage. He dashes to Liam and pins him to the floor, stepping on him with his boot. "How dare you betray me this way, after everything I've done for you!"

Liam thrashes under the weight of his sire. The dragon bellows fire into the air with a loud screech, and the tiny woman with the big voice walks over and grabs Dracula by the cuff of his pants. It's all she can reach. But I watch, wide-eyed, as she yanks and Dracula is pulled into the air and smashed against the marble flooring with a loud thud.

"There will be silence in the court," the little woman screeches to a stunned audience.

Dracula stands, dusting himself off, and nods to her, showing a deference I've never seen in him. He stands quietly, holding his rage tightly around him like a cloak against the winter winds.

Liam climbs to his feet, backing away from Dracula, a sneer on his face. "I wasn't having an affair with Mary."

"Silence!" the woman screams. "Court is adjourned for fifteen minutes. Counselors, the judge will see you in his chambers. Only one from each side."

Moira follows the gnome towards the dragon, and Derek steps forward, telling us all to behave until he's back. His jaw is locked in anger.

Elijah has retreated to his book, Liam looks ready to murder everyone, and so it is left to me to reprimand Dracula

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