I Am the Wild (The Night Firm #1)- Karpov Kinrade Page 0,53

enjoying the warmth and the smell of freshly baked bread coming from the kitchen. My stomach rumbles and he smiles at the confirmation.

A man comes by to take our order and I have to school my face to not drop my jaw. He's human from the waist up, but from the waist down he's all horse. As I live and breathe, it's a centaur.

"What can I get the two of you?" He eyes Sebastian a moment and says, "Blood?"

Sebastian nods, then they both look to me.

We never got menus, though, and I have no idea what they serve. "Um, what do you suggest?" I ask.

"The stew is good. Vegetable or meat. With fresh bread."

I'm about to order the meat, but Sebastian shakes his head. "Get the vegetable," he says.

"Okay, I'll take the vegetable stew and bread, and some water, please."

"Not water. We'll both have a glass of Elf Juice," Sebastian says, causing the centaur to raise an eyebrow and smile.

"Coming right up."

When he leaves, I face Sebastian. "Why not the meat?" I ask.

"They often use meat sources that humans would find unfavorable," he says.

"Oh. Um. Okay. Such as?"

"All manner of animal. As long as it doesn't talk or shift, it's fair game," he says. "Cats, dogs, horses, pigs, goats, cows, chicken. They're all the same here."

My stomach turns and that delicious smell now inspires a wave of vomit to climb up into my throat. "In theory, I get it. Pigs are smarter than dogs. So why do we eat one and not the other? But in practice, it's too ingrained. I can't."

He nods. "You humans become quite attached to your domesticated animals. But inconsistently so."

"It's true. Looks like I'm becoming vegetarian while we're here."

The centaur returns with bread and two blue fizzy drinks.

"What's Elf Juice?" I ask, studying my glass goblet.

"An incredible and rare concoction made by the Woodland Elves from a hard-to-grow berry found in the highest mountains. This is the only tavern in town that's allowed to serve it," he says.

I take a small sip first, then sigh in pleasure and drink more deeply. It is a perfect blend of sweet and tart and it makes my vision swim just enough to enjoy. "This is the best thing I've ever tasted," I say, with a more relaxed smile than I've had all day.

Sebastian returns the smile, sipping his own drink, which is the same blue, but as he drinks it begins to turn purple as it mixes with a red at the center. "Does yours have blood in it?" I ask, enjoying the swirl of color in his glass despite myself.

"It does." He says.

I nod. "It makes a cool color."

He raises an eyebrow and continues drinking as I look around, studying the other diners.

There's a couple who look like they're on a first date. Rough choice of place, dude. She doesn't look happy. She catches my eye and we share a knowing look and rueful smile. I'm only slightly surprised when I look more closely and notice her eyes aren't human, but rather more like those of a fish. Then I notice the sheen to her skin isn't a trick of light, but a reflection off of the iridescent scales on her skin.

"Is that… " I ask Sebastian, my words training off.

"A mermaid? Yes. Though she won't be able to remain on land too long."

"What is the guy she's with?" I ask.

"Werewolf," he says with distaste. "Odd match. I doubt it'll last."

I snort at that. "I agree, but not because of their species difference. He's not impressing her at all."

"Not surprising. He is a werewolf, after all. They're a rather brutish bunch."

The centaur arrives with my food, and I poke my spoon at the thick stew. "You sure this is safe?" I ask.

"I'm sure."

"And these are normal vegetables? Nothing strange or sentient?" I feel like a real lawyer, finding the loopholes in everything.

"Yes, normal vegetables. You have my word." He's got an amused glint in his eyes and I squint at him in distrust, but then decide to take him at his word. I take a small bite, teasing it with my teeth and tongue. "It's quite chewy," I say, when I can finally swallow. "Like a tire."

Sebastian laughs. "So not a fan, then."

I push the bowl away. "Not so much."

I study the man across from me as we drink our Elf Juice and I nibble on bread. His green eyes are intense, his body full of energy.

"Why would Liam be visiting Dracula?" I ask, refocusing our attention

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