I Am the Wild (The Night Firm #1)- Karpov Kinrade Page 0,31

I ask, breaking everyone's focus. Four sets of eyes move to meet mine, as if just realizing I am still here. "If you turn someone, you can control them?"

"Not entirely," Derek says. "But close. It's a compulsion that's hard to resist. And if you resist too long, it can cause serious pain. But it takes energy from both parties, so it's not used as often as you might imagine."

"But he's using it now? For this?"

Derek nods. "He's been formally charged with murdering his wife and unborn child and draining them both of blood."

I gasp. "Why would he do that? Why would anyone do that?"

The silence that greets my question tells me all I need to know.

"If he’s been charged, that means there will be a trial. Are you defending him?"

"Yes," Elijah says.

"What if he's guilty? Will you really work to prove his innocence to save yourself?"

Liam glares at me. "We have no choice. It's not the pain that's the problem. Eventually the compulsion will work. No one is strong enough to resist, especially not when it's Dracula himself. And besides, it’s not our job to determine guilt or innocence. After all, who are we to judge?"

"Then let's get to work," I say. "I need to bone up on my knowledge of your legal system. Where do I start?"

They all stare at me, and a flicker of a smile appears on Matilda's face. "Elijah, dear, why don't you take Eve to your study and give her an overview, then direct her to the right books so she can get started."

Elijah nods. "Would you like to change first?"

I look down at my formal gown and nod. "Yes. I would, actually. Thank you."

It doesn't take more than ten minutes for me to change and find my way to Elijah's office. It's a cozy room with wall-to-wall books and a few comfortable chairs in the center near the fireplace. There's a desk to one side piled with more books, and ladders to reach the highest books.

I take the seat offered, and Elijah brings over a pile of books and places them next to me. "Our kind are tried similarly to the American justice system, by a jury of our peers, with a proper defense and prosecution, and a judge to oversee it. The biggest differences are the laws—what's illegal and what's not—and the punishments. Out of necessity, given the power many of us have, the punishments are harsh and often permanent."

I nod, "That makes sense, I suppose."

He raises an eyebrow. "The punishments can seem medieval and even inhumane to someone not used to our ways," he elaborates.

"Yeah, I get it. Like Dracula will be put to ground while still alive, presumably in a way he can't escape, for all of eternity."

He nods. "Amongst other things, yes, that is one example. Though other punishments are much more gruesome, and often the guilty do not live through the experience. Paranormals tend to liken themselves to the gods of old and are just as capricious with our punishments."

I shudder at the images that come to mind, but then I shake it off. This is my life now. Better acclimate fast. "Gotcha. What else?"

He leans forward, studying me. "You surprise me, Miss Oliver."

"Just Eve is fine, thanks."

"Eve, then. You're not what I expected."

"What did you expect?"

"Not you," he says, a smile playing at his lips.

My heart skips a beat at the look he's giving me right now.

"You have a sharp mind," he says. "That much is clear. And courage, for standing up to Liam like that. That hothead is going to get himself killed someday if he's not careful."

"He needs balancing," I say. "Too much fire. He needs water to cool his engines. Earth to ground him."

"What did you just say?"

"The elements? You know, how we all have these qualities in us, and if they get out of balance it can create an excess of certain personality traits. Honestly, you guys should check out Google more often. You might learn a few useful things about the 21st century."

"Yes, of course. Well, you do have a keen eye, Miss Oliver, er, Eve. But I'm afraid I must retire. Sunrise is upon us, and contrary to popular media, we do not function during the daylight hours. Not in this world."

"Oh, right." I stand as he does. "Um, is it okay if I stay and read? I have a lot to learn and not a lot of time in which to learn it."

Elijah nods. "As you wish. Until this evening, then."

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