I Am the Wild (The Night Firm #1)- Karpov Kinrade Page 0,27

say, deflecting the seriousness of the situation.

"There's a lot about me you might be surprised by, Eve," he says, and I can’t help but love how my name sounds on his lips. "We both need to get ready for his arrival, but first, let’s be absolutely clear about what’s going on here. You are correct; we - my brothers and I - are vampires. And The Night Firm isn't just any firm. It's a law firm for paranormal creatures. We have our own justice system and court of law. Humans could never keep us in check, so we do it ourselves."

"Paranormal creatures," I say, in a breathy whisper. "So there are more than just vampires?"

He nods. "But you knew that already. You saw others when you left your interview, did you not?"

It's my turn to nod, as I remember the woman I saw as I left the building that night.

"They were real. Just as I am real. This is a dangerous place for you, Eve. You asked before why I'm always mad at you. I'm not. I'm mad you're here, because I worry you will not be safe. Especially now."

Everything he's said and done since we met is suddenly seen in a new light, and all the attraction and pent up desire I feel surfaces. My eyes fall to his lips, and I can see by the way his body tenses, he feels the energy in the room shift as well.

Our hands are touching, skin brushing against skin on the silky sheets. My hip is pressed against him.

Panic wells in me and I pull back. "The accident wasn't an accident was it?" It's all starting to click into place.

"No, it wasn't," he says, regaining his composure quickly. "We make enemies. Our clients make enemies. Especially the client you're about to meet. You will be in constant danger if you stay."

It's clear he wants me to leave. But… where would I go? I have nothing left to return to.

I slide off the bed and adjust my clothes. "I think I'll take my chances," I say, though I have a million questions. "And I should probably get ready, if he's on his way." I need an excuse to leave, because I can't stay in the room with him any longer and not act on the desires building up in me.

Before I leave the room, I turn, a question on my mind. "Why do you have coffins if you also have a regular bedroom?" I ask.

"We don’t regularly sleep in the coffins," he says. "It's for emergencies. If we have to travel during the day or heal from serious injury. They are filled with dirt from our homeland, from before our vampire lives."

I nod, processing that, and he doesn’t speak to stop me as I turn to leave.

I wander around the mansion trying to find my room until I bump into Lily, who's wide-eyed and jittery. "I've been looking everywhere for you. We have to get you dressed. Come on!"

She practically drags me to my room, and once there, opens my closet and starts pulling out dresses. "It needs to be perfect. This is a big deal."

I can't tell if she's excited or nervous or both. I'm not sure how to feel. The Night brothers seem pretty powerful. Who could they possibly be this jumpy about seeing?

My mind is still reeling from my conversation with Sebastian, and now I'm supposed to play dress up? I sit on the bed as Lily fusses with my hair.

"Is it true?" I ask Lily. I assume she knows everything. How could she not?

"Is what true?" she asks, twisting my hair expertly into a Dutch braid any hair stylist in New York would be jealous of.

"You're all vampires."

She freezes, and then moves to stand so we are face to face. “Not all of us.”

A blink.

The pink hair is gone. The dark complexion changed.

The being that stands before me is naked, skin a deep-moss-green. Hair thick like vines, adorned with white flowers and auburn branches. Eyes like emeralds.

The smell of spring’s first rain overtakes me.

And as quickly as it appeared, the vision is gone.

Lily smiles across from me, rosy hair falling over her shoulder. “Now let’s add some make-up.”

I nod, unsure of what I just witnessed, curiosity and fear mixing within me. "What about Matilda? Is she a vampire? Or is she… like you?”

Lily retrieves a blue eyeshadow and begins applying it to my face, pursing her lips. "Granny Matilda is something else, but that's her story to tell,

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