I Am the Wild (The Night Firm #1)- Karpov Kinrade Page 0,21

lets out a sudden humorless laugh. "You definitely got different."

Our car slows and Lily turns to look at us. "We're here."

I've been so caught up in my story, and in Sebastian, that I failed to notice the scenery around us changing.

We are in the middle of the country, surrounded by the ocean on one side and forest on the other, and there is a house—nay an estate — lit by thousands of candles, with a manicured topiary garden lining the path to the front of an actual castle made of white stone and complete with four towers and several turrets. In the center, above the drawbridge, is a jaw-dropping rose window made of stained glass that shimmers even in the darkness. The castle is surrounded by a moat with koi splashing within.

"This looks like something you'd find in Europe on a tourist to-do list," I say through breathy excitement, momentarily forgetting about my freshly healed leg and Sebastian’s evasiveness. "Is this where I'll be living?"

"It is," Lily says, when Sebastian doesn't answer. "Welcome to your new home, Eve. Welcome to the family."

The Night Estate

There are darknesses in life and there are lights, and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights.

~ Bram Stoker

My spine tingles the closer we come to the castle. Lily pulls the limo up to the front and Sebastian lets himself out before the car has hardly had a chance to park. As an afterthought he glances back at me. "Lily will take care of you." Then he leaves, rushing across the small bridge over the moat as if his pants are on fire.

I let myself out as well, and Lily rests her hands on her hips and frowns. "Hey, that's my job!"

"Sorry. I'm not used to people opening doors for me."

"You'd better get used to it in your position."

"What? As glorified secretary?" I ask with a not-so-subtle snark in my voice.

Her eyes widen. "You think you're a glorified secretary? Wow, they really haven't told you anything, have they? I'm surprised you took the job with what you know."

"You and me both," I say. "But I needed the money."

She nods. "I get it. Oh, your stuff arrived earlier today. It's all been taken to your suite."

"I have a suite?" I ask.

She giggles. "You have no idea what you have!"

The door opens as we approach and Matilda comes out to greet us, arms held open for an embrace. Tears burn my eyes when she wraps her surprisingly strong arms around me. I have to lean over to hug her, but it's worth it. Her hug makes me feel like I'm being hugged by the universe. Unconditional love flows through me and I instantly love this old woman I already knew I liked.

She wipes a tear from my cheek and pats my hand. "Don't worry, dear. You're home now. With family. I'm so glad you decided to trust yourself and come, despite everything."

Her words are layered with double meaning and I get a strong sense she knows more about my life than I realized, even factoring in the extensive background check. "I hope you and I can be friends," I say, surprising myself.

"We already are, and have always been," she says kindly. "I heard what happened on the way here. That's certainly not an ideal first day on the job, is it?"

I half laugh through brimming tears and shake my head.

Lily is glancing worriedly from me to Matilda, bouncing on her tip-toes. The girl can never seem to stay still for long. I put her in her mid-20s, though she looks younger.

"Lily, dear, you handled the situation perfectly. We're all very proud of you and grateful."

Lily beams, and her eyes practically glow with the joy the compliment inspires.

“Would you mind showing Eve to her room? I've got to meet with the boys," Matilda says to Lily, then she looks to me. "I suspect you'll want a few minutes to get settled and orient yourself. The boys are in a meeting but will speak with you when it ends. They wanted to be here to greet you themselves, but on top of discussing what happened on the way here, we're meeting with a big client tomorrow and they have a lot of work to do. So will you, once you familiarize yourself with your job."

"About that," I say. "When will I learn more about what my job entails?"

"Tonight. I promise many of your questions will be answered tonight. I hope you like your suite. I designed it

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