I Am the Wild (The Night Firm #1)- Karpov Kinrade Page 0,16

obsession, I move on to other subjects. First, I sketch Matilda leaning over that strange table with the fire. Then I sketch the scene that dances in my mind like a dream, of eyes glowing silver in a face of midnight, that delicate horn in the center of her forehead.

I manage three hours of sleep before waking in the afternoon. I realize I'm ready to go. This is too much waiting. I pass the time exercising in the hotel gym, taking a bath, eating, watching movies. Finally, it's time. I check out with all my belongings and wait in front of the hotel for the driver Derek promised. It's been awhile since I've owned a car, and I've never had a driver. This is quite a change of status for me.

A limo pulls up at precisely seven pm and a perky young woman bounces out and smiles widely at me. "I'm Lily. I'll be your driver from now on."

Lily has pink punk rock hair, multiple facial piercings, and wears a driver uniform that's bright neon colors mixed with tie die. It's quite the combination and it stands out starkly against her ebony skin. I'm instantly drawn to her sparkly personality.

"I get a driver all the time?" I ask.

She laughs. "Of course, silly. You're part of the family now."

I don't know what she means by that, but she opens the door for me to get in, and then proceeds to pack my luggage into the trunk.

Once we're both settled, she asks if I want the middle window up or down. "It's sound proof. You'll have complete privacy."

"No, I like talking to you," I say, as I study the limo. I've been in one before, but this is especially nice. "Where are we going?"

"I don't know," she says sheepishly.

"You don't know where we're going? Then how will we get there?"

"The GPS is programmed with the current address," she says.

"Current address? They have several homes?"

"No, well, yes, but that's not what I meant. The home changes locations as needed for security or work."

A shock of horror fills me. "Am I going to be living in a mobile home?" I ask.

She laughs. "No way. Wait till you see it. It's not that kind of mobile. It's…really hard to explain. You'll have to wait to get there and see for yourself. It's going to blow your mind."

She snaps her mouth shut. "But I'm not supposed to say too much. They want to tell you everything themselves."

"Everything like what?" I ask, hoping I can get more out of her.

"I'm sorry, I can't!" She squeezes her lips together and shakes her head.

I sigh, letting her off the hook. I don't want her to get in trouble.

"Can you at least tell me if they're a good family to work for?"

She smiles broadly. "Oh, yes. Granny Night rescued me when I was little. I was practically raised with the Nights. The brothers are like my uncles. They can seem a bit gruff at first, but they each have a soft spot worth searching for. Don't give up on them."

It's good to hear someone speak well of them. It makes me feel less nervous about relocating my life into theirs with so little warning.

I resign myself to my own thoughts and wonder idly who Roger's next victim will be. A thought occurs to me, and I call Derek.

"Hello, Miss Oliver, I trust your driver is taking good care of you and that the movers were helpful?"

"Oh, yes, to both. And call me Eve. I… have another favor—and it's… unusual."

"Oh, I'm intrigued," Derek says.

"My former landlord is a sleaze to women. I'd hate to imagine another woman getting that apartment and being harassed by him. Is there anything you can do to…I don't know, make sure that doesn't happen?" I don't even know what I'm asking, and I feel like a moron. "Maybe somehow ensure it gets rented to a big, buff dude or something?"

Derek chuckles. "I like your style, Miss…Eve. You'll fit right in, I think. I can definitely handle that. Anything else?"

"Um, I don't think so. You've already been more than generous."

When we hang up, I check my bank account again to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me before, but the money is all there. I know the check I wrote will clear soon, but that still leaves a comfortable savings and a decent buffer fund should this job go south fast. That gives me a little room to breathe. I worked so hard to build a stable

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