Hyacinth - By Abigail Owen Page 0,61

some things.” Ellie spoke to Selene in a conversational voice but continued using Amy’s projection so that everyone could still hear her.

Alex chuckled. Even Selene had to contain a smile.

As no further action came from the Louisianans, Selene started to feel a little edgy. She couldn’t see any particular power being used, but their stillness made her nervous. Just as she caught the blink of a small glow, she heard Griffin’s voice.

“Toxins,” he said. Ellie was projecting his thoughts throughout their ranks, and she felt them all shift at the word.

“What do you mean?” Dez’s thoughts came through loud and clear.

“There’s an invisible cloud of toxic gas headed right for you.”

Meagan, another Vyusher, reacted without Ellie or Selene even having to tell her. The air around them stirred, and then with a great gusting whoosh and a sound like thunder, she pushed all of the molecules of air up high into the stratosphere. She didn’t create a total vacuum where she’d sucked out the air, although she did have that ability and knew better than anyone the awful consequences that could bring. But Selene did feel light-headed for a moment, as if she couldn’t suck enough oxygen into her lungs. Dark spots popped into her vision, but the moment swiftly passed as clean air moved to fill in the void.

But the whooshing sound didn’t stop. Clouds gathered, dark and ferocious. With a sound like a freight train, a funnel of a tornado appeared, swirling and extending down like a snake. The second it hit the ground, dirt and debris were sucked up into it, turning the white cloud black in an instant. It turned and tracked right for Selene’s band of defenders. A ripple of tension ran through the group as they watched the monstrosity of nature bear down on them.

Alex stepped forward. He reached out his hands and froze the tornado in its path. It hovered where it was, still churning and making a terrible racket, but no longer moving forward. Slowly, as if he were freezing one particle at a time, the twister ceased its spinning and broke up as it lost its momentum.

Selene glanced at Alex, impressed. He turned and gave Ellie a cheeky wink and resumed his place beside her.

In the silence of the tornado’s demise, a loud murmur arose from the Louisiana clan. Marcus stepped forward.

“Robichaux!” he called out.

Selene frowned. “That seems an odd—”

She paused mid-sentence as Alex broke ranks and walked out to the middle of the field, meeting Marcus half-way. She glanced at Ellie, who shrugged back, a smug smile starting to form on her face. Ellie considerately allowed everyone to hear the conversation through their link and Griffin’s mind reading ability.

“I was once called Robichaux. Who’s asking?” Alex said as he approached the man.

“You’re not Rene Robichaux. He’s the only man I’ve ever seen with that power.”

“He was my grandfather,” Alex replied.

“You’re Alex?” The man was obviously taken aback.

Alex nodded.

“Rene was a good friend at one time. How did you end up fighting with the Vyusher?” Marcus mused.

“That’s a long story, my friend. But if you take Selene up on her original offer, you will see. My soon-to-be wife and her brother, who are not Vyusher but Svatura, will be the ones showing you.”

There was a lengthy pause. Rather than watching their adversaries, Selene watched Ellie, who was concentrating intently.

“We have a telepath with a very specific skill in our group,” Marcus said. “Would you be willing to let her check and make sure that you are not brainwashed or otherwise mentally compromised?”

“Absolutely. If it stops this conflict and saves lives, she can check anyone in our group that she wishes.”

Chapter 38

Selene stood beside the rest of the Vyusher, desperately trying to hold her anxiety in check as she watched Ellie, Griffin, and Lila. The Louisiana clan had only allowed Svatura near them. No Vyusher. The group across the field stood connected through an interlocking network of hands in hands or on shoulders and backs. Heads were bowed and eyes were closed as they watched what Ellie had to show them, using Lila’s gift so they would know that what they were seeing was the truth. They’d been standing there a good thirty minutes so far.

“Is she showing them the entire history of the Svatura over there?” Desmond muttered in her ear.

Selene grinned. “It is a really long story,” she reminded him.

“Huh,” he grunted. “So are you finally talking to me now?”

She cast him a sideways glance. “I guess so.”

“You know nothing

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