Hyacinth - By Abigail Owen Page 0,58

such an ugly word,” Selene replied. She watched closely for their reactions. “I’m Selene. I am the new ruler of the Vyusher. Our old ruler, my brother Gideon, controlled us against our will. But he is now dead, thanks to another family of Svatura. I am here to negotiate peace with you. As a part of that goal, will you allow us to show you the truth behind my words?”

“So that you can control our minds?” Stephen spat. “One of your clansmen already tried that with us. No! We will not subject ourselves to that!”

“The people who will do the showing are not Vyusher, but the Svatura who defeated my brother. They, too, had many claims against us, and yet they side with us now. Surely, that means something to you.”

“Do you really think we will listen to you?” Marcus asked. He crossed his arms over his broad chest, unimpressed.

“Truthfully? No, I didn’t expect you to listen. In my experience, actions speak louder than words,” Selene replied. She saw a small flash of something in Marcus’s expression. Though quickly masked, she thought maybe she’d seen a tiny bit of respect there.

“So you insist on this then? On fighting us?” Selene asked.

As she listened to the men, Griffin’s voice sounded in her mind. “All of their clan is now inside. They are moving deeper into the castle.”

“We are owed our vengeance!” Stephen yelled. His hands clenched and unclenched into fists of rage.

Marcus said nothing but nodded his agreement with Stephen. James remained quiet, his eyes never leaving Selene. If he was using a power on her, she couldn’t tell.

“Are we in position?” Selene asked Griffin. Upon receiving his affirmative response, she decided it was time to wrap up this conversation with the Louisiana faction. She’d tried to negotiate with them, at least.

“Very well. I can’t say that I blame you. I will tell you now that I can’t allow you to harm my people. However, we will only defend ourselves. You won’t see a single move from us that is offensive. And we’ll do everything we can to avoid hurting any of you. If any in your clan sustain injury, it will be through no fault of ours.”

The three men looked at each other as though they weren’t quite sure what to make of her. Then Marcus’s expression hardened. In a move so fast that Selene barely saw it coming, steel bands wrapped around her, holding her arms and legs firmly in place.

“Tell the others we have captured their Queen,” Stephen instructed James, who closed his eyes in concentration.

Selene glanced to the corner where she knew Desmond had positioned himself and gave a slight shake of her head.

James looked up. “They say they’ve found no one inside the castle.”

Marcus’s eyes narrowed. He shifted his glare to Selene. “There’s no way they left you here on your own. Where are they hiding?”

Selene tipped her head to the side. “I told you. I will not allow you to harm my people.”

A terrible boom shook the castle so violently it caused the large chandelier above their heads to rattle.

“We’re all fine,” Griffin’s voice assured her. “But they just blew a pretty big hole in a wall. With a single thought. Pretty impressive. How long are you planning on keeping this up?”

“A little longer. So far, these are all powers we can defend against,” she answered him.

“Please tell me your people didn’t just blow up part of my home,” she said aloud to the three men. “That would really upset me.”

Marcus glanced at James. “What is she thinking?”

James shook his head. “I can’t get a read on her. She’s blank.”

Stephen slashed his hand through the air. “This is some sort of trap. What are you playing at?”

The steel bands around her started squeezing more tightly.

“This is not a trap,” Selene replied. “We will not harm you if we can avoid it. But as I said, I won’t allow you to harm my people either.” She grunted as the bands cut into her arms.

She glanced at Marcus, who had yet to reveal his ability. She’d been hoping to at least find out the three leaders’ powers before making her move. She winced again as the steel dug deeper. She glanced at Desmond’s corner and then sighed. “I was hoping you might see reason. But clearly I am hoping in vain.”

“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, sweetheart, but we have you bound in steel,” Stephen jibed.

Selene ignored him. “Griffin, Ellie… on my signal…” She felt Desmond’s hand

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