Hyacinth - By Abigail Owen Page 0,56

morphed back to human and stood before her trembling as she let him feel, just for a moment, that she could take things a step further and strip him of his powers completely if she so desired.

Instead, she let him go and turned to the rest of the Council. “I will not rule as my brother did, by forcing you do something you would not have done otherwise. But I will rule the Vyusher. You can either help me, or you can get out of my way.”

No one objected. No one even spoke. A certain amount of respect that hadn’t been there before began to show.

“Very well,” Selene nodded. “Gather your tribes. We’ll meet in an hour in the main courtyard where I’ll provide instructions on how we will handle the attack that is coming.”

“My Lady,” Thomas called out. “Will you still consider marriage with Dez? As we argued earlier, the match would be a good one, helping to unite our people.”

“Now is not the time. But I will consider the suggestion.”

Thomas gave her a small, respectful bow of his head in acknowledgement.

Receiving no other objections, Selene swept out of the room. She paused momentarily outside the chamber doors where Griffin, Ellie, and the rest of the family had gathered.

She knew they’d heard everything, as she’d deliberately left her mental barriers down so that Griffin and Ellie could follow the discussion. Selene cast a guarded glance in Griffin’s direction and noticed the grim set to his jaw. Beckoning them to follow, she turned and walked slowly back to her chamber.

Whatever it was that Lila, Adelaide, and Ellie had healed in that horribly painful, crazy way had certainly had an effect, Selene acknowledged, a little giddy with the results. In the past, a similar confrontation would’ve left her stuttering and shaking. But she felt none of that now. While she still wasn’t sure what the best decision might be for her people, she was absolutely confident that she was the best person to lead them through it.

Chapter 35

Firelight flickered and danced in the shadows, casting a warm glow over the otherwise dark room. Although it was June, it was still chilly at night. Selene thanked the powers that be that had brought on several late season snow storms, delaying the attack and giving her time to plan and train the Vyusher. She’d put college on hold to concentrate on her people and prepare for this moment. But their time was up. She prayed that the last months of effort and planning with the Vyusher and Griffin’s family would help this end well.

Selene stood at the window of her bedroom, the heavy velvet curtains drawn back, allowing her unhindered access to the view. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked out to the field beyond the castle’s walls.

“How many?” she asked Oren. He hadn’t made a sound as he’d entered her chamber, but she knew he was there just the same.

“We’ve counted around fifty.” Oren moved to stand beside her and looked out on the scene of organized chaos.

The Svatura amassing outside the castle walls appeared to be in the process of setting up a camp of sorts. Tents were popping up everywhere, and Selene hoped they’d brought stuff for cold weather. It was frigid at night, even in summer. Small campfires dotted the landscape too, and it was obvious the Svatura weren’t trying to hide themselves. But Selene guessed that anyone who got close to their camp would die a gruesome death.

“Have they made any moves toward the castle?” she asked.


Selene gave a terse nod. “Good. Griffin can conserve his energy and wait to put up the shield.”

“Exactly what he said.”

Selene glanced at Oren out of the corner of her eye. She sensed that he liked Griffin. Her mouth tightened.

Well I do, too. Fat lot of good it’s doing me.

“Have they asked for anyone yet? Sent someone to speak with us?”

Oren frowned. “Not yet.” His doubt was obvious.

“Hmm…” Selene mulled over her options, drumming her fingers on the windowsill in front of her. “My guess is they will make their move soon. I think it’s time to make our final preparations,” she decided. “Please alert the others.”

She turned away as Oren left the room as silently as he’d entered it. Ten minutes later, Selene strode out of her bedroom to find Oren, Ellie, Griffin, and their family all waiting for her. A small movement caught her eyes as Desmond stepped up and joined them, his sea-green eyes serious for

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