Hyacinth - By Abigail Owen Page 0,52

it being against our will, was horrendous. Sending our people to negotiate peace will likely only result in their deaths.”

Selene contained a deep sigh and just barely restrained herself from drumming her fingers on the table. “Are you suggesting that we just sit back and wait to be attacked?”

“Obviously there are no easy answers here,” Thomas conceded. “I think that first we need to have a clear leader.”

Selene paled. It was as if Thomas had just slapped her across the face.

“Exactly!” Xavier slapped his hand down on the table.

“Let me guess. You nominate yourself?” Charlie, another Council member, spoke up, eyebrow raised.

“No,” Xavier replied, but Selene knew he was lying. Smugness settled over him as he saw that he had the full attention of the Council. “I suggest a union of our two strongest families, which, at the same time, will provide us with a true alpha to lead us.”

“What, exactly, are you suggesting, Xavier?” Oren asked impatiently.

“I’m suggesting that Selene marry my son, Desmond.”


Selene couldn’t breathe. Something was weighing on her chest, crushing her lungs, and she just couldn’t get any air in. Sheer, unadulterated panic was consuming her. And she couldn’t stop it.

I knew the Council had little faith in me, but this?

As much as she liked Desmond, Selene knew she couldn’t be tied to someone who wasn’t her te’sorthene. She ran a hand through her thick hair and pulled it back from her face as she weighed her options.

Silently gliding through the hallways of the castle, appearing her normal serene self, Selene made her way to the chamber where Angelica was sitting vigil with their still unconscious visitor. She let herself into the room and closed the door. Then she made her way over to the bed and gazed at the girl’s sweet face.

Angelica closed her book and looked up.

“Any change?” Selene asked.

Angelica shook her head. “No. She continues to sleep peacefully and without any movement. No worse. No better.” Tilting her head to the side, she continued, “But you didn’t come here for her this time.”

Selene gave the other woman a tired look as she smoothed a nonexistent wrinkle out of the comforter on the bed. “No,” she agreed.

“You’re upset about something and needed calming.”


Angelica pursed her lips. Then she shrugged and returned to her reading. “Okay.”

Twenty minutes later, Selene slowly made her way back to her own room. Lila and Ellie wouldn’t be there for another half hour or so, and she was extremely grateful for the privacy as she closed the heavy doors behind her. She slumped down on the bed and buried her face in her shaking hands.

What the hell should I do?

“They gave you a rough time, huh?” Griffin’s deep voice caused Selene to spring to her feet with a shocked gasp.

The one person she’d been desperate to see the last few months was now lurking in a dark corner of her room. All of the hurt and frustration of the day, of the last many weeks, welled up and exploded on the person who had abandoned her.

“What are you doing here?” she spat at him.

Griffin ignored her question. “What are you going to do about it?”

“Do about what?”

“The Council? The pressure for you to marry? The danger your people face?”

Once again the feeling of panic overwhelmed Selene, stealing the breath from her lungs.

“I don’t know,” she stated in a lifeless voice.

“You do know,” Griffin countered.

Selene stormed over to him. “Don’t tell me what I do and don’t know, Griffin Aubrey. You haven’t been here. I… don’t… know…what…to …do!” Her small fists pounded his chest with each word.

Suddenly, Selene stopped her assault. She took a deep breath and stepped back, her face regaining its serene expression, even as her hands flailed around.

“I can’t… I can’t…”

Griffin very gently took her face in his hands, centering her focus on him. “Yes, you can. You know what to do, Selene. Lead your people. Help them survive this. Help them find their way. Be the alpha that they need. I know you have it in you.”

“They don’t want me.”

“They need you,” Griffin insisted. His steady strength reached through to her, filling her. “And I … we will be here with you, every step of the way.”

Selene gulped. She desperately wanted to believe him. She needed to believe him. She needed him.

She lowered her gaze and let out a small chuckle.

“Where have you been?”

Chapter 33

Ellie’s voice sounded from across the room. “That’s a very good question. Any luck?”

Griffin shook his head and headed over to give his

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