Hyacinth - By Abigail Owen Page 0,47

agree with Ellie, anyway. We’re coming with you….We can help.” Lucy insisted.

“This situation could easily degrade into outright war. You understand this?” Selene looked at each one of them directly, gauging the strength of their convictions. She couldn’t allow herself to rely on people who might abandon her in the end.

“We won’t walk away from this, or from you,” Ellie assured with a squeeze of her hand. If Selene didn’t know for sure that her shields were up, she would’ve sworn that Ellie had just read her mind.

Indecision clouded Selene’s thoughts. She turned to face Oren, who gave her a small nod. “All right.”

“What’ll we do about classes?” Adelaide asked. “Spring semester starts next week.”

“I, for one, refuse to let this situation take away from my opportunity to go to college,” Selene finally answered. “Maybe Charlotte could take us back and forth. I want to at least finish my first year.”

She glanced around and was relieved to see nods of agreement. The fact that these people trusted her gave her a much needed morale boost.

“Gather what you need for a long stay. We leave tonight,” she said.

Oren’s form disappeared, and the Jenners and Pierces began to prepare for their travel. Through all the hustle and bustle, Selene noticed as Ellie and Griffin engaged in a mental conversation.

After a little while, Griffin looked directly at Selene, his expression unreadable. “I have something I have to do,” he said.

“I understand,” Selene answered, though she didn’t really. She just assumed he didn’t want to be a part of helping her.

With a curt nod, he turned and walked away. Her hope shriveled and died with every step he took away from her.

Chapter 30

“They still at it?” Lila asked Ellie. They were perched outside the massive doors of the main chamber where Selene was sequestered with the Vyusher High Council.

Ellie couldn’t break her concentration to answer. Without Griffin close by, she wasn’t able to read any minds, so she had to rely on the good old-fashioned strategy of listening through the key hole.

“Twenty-seven hours and counting,” Alex muttered and flipped a page of the book he was reading.

Lila grinned. “You still here too, Alex?”

Without turning to look, Ellie put her finger to her lips. “Shhhh. I can barely hear as it is.”

Alex just shrugged and whispered, “I’m here to make sure she behaves.” He reached across the hall with a booted foot and tapped Ellie’s behind.

Ellie did turn this time to wrinkle her nose at her te’sorthene. She suddenly did a bit of a double take as it registered who was standing there.

She waved her over. “Lila, come here.”

Lila leaned down and stage-whispered, “What?”

“Can you feel any part of what’s going on in there?”

“Are you asking me to use my powers in nefarious ways?” Lila pretended to twirl an imaginary mustache like a villain in a cheesy old movie, receiving a stony glare from Ellie in return.

“You might not want to tease her right now,” Alex warned, only half-joking.

“Oh, all right. Sheesh!” Lila was silent for some time as she tuned in her abilities on the debate happening in the next room.

Finally, Lila relaxed from her intense stance and shook her head. “No one is lying, that’s the only obvious thing I can feel. They all believe their words with conviction. Emotions are all over the place… fear and frustration, especially.”

“Do you think you could help Selene out?” Ellie asked. Then she slashed her hand through the air. “Never mind. We can’t have them claiming that we interfered. She has to do this on her own.”

“Now your frustration is practically overwhelming me.” Lila clutched her chest dramatically.

Ellie gave her a playful swat. “Ha ha.”

“Someone’s coming,” Alex coughed.

“Hearing anything interesting?” a deep voice asked.

Ellie and Lila turned to see a tall, blond, green-eyed hunk of man staring down at them. He flashed a pair of perfectly white, straight teeth.

“And you are?” Lila inquired.

“Desmond O’Moore. But you can call me Dez.” He leaned against the wall, crossing one ankle over the other and casually stuffing his hands in his back pockets, the muscles in his arms flexing at the small movement.

“Ahhh…” Lila looked up him up and down. “Selene mentioned you.”

His full lips tilted up in a lopsided grin. “She did, did she? All good, I hope.”

Lila just shrugged. “I’m Lila. Ellie. Alex.” She waved a hand in their directions.

Ellie gave him a quick wave. Alex stood to shake hands and then sat back down.

“How’s it going in there?” Dez tipped his head toward the double doors.


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