Hyacinth - By Abigail Owen Page 0,40

she reached out with her mind and searched for a glowing light indicating a power was being used nearby. She saw nothing but pitch black. But that didn’t necessarily mean anything. The Vyusher who took her just might not be close by at the moment.

Selene abandoned that idea, although she devoted a small part of her concentration to keeping watch in case a light flared up. Next she thought about trying her dream control. This was the most difficult of her powers to access when she wasn’t completely calm. It was also one of two abilities she possessed that Gideon hadn’t known about. Maddox already knew about that ability of hers. But if he had someone like her, someone who was flipping the off-switch on her powers, they didn’t know yet. She didn’t want to reveal to them her secret ability. Keeping it off the radar might just save her life.

Okay. My powers are out of the equation for now. What else? What else?

Selene opened her eyes and looked around again. There was literally nothing in the room that was in any way useful for an escape. The bed she sat on, which was very basic metal frame with a single mattress, sheet and blanket. Not even a pillow. The toilet and sink weren’t any help either. Selene unconsciously drummed her fingers. What else?

Oren! Her friend and second-father had the ability to astral-project. He’d been contacting her daily in this way since she’d left for college. She just needed to be patient and he would find her.

She’d have to wait on that one. But just in case…

“Griffin!” she mentally called out. If he was close enough, maybe he’d pick up her cries with his telepathy. She also continued to reach out for powers. If she could find one, she could control it. Maybe she’d get lucky.

Because if she couldn’t, Selene didn’t want to think of the alternatives.


“Your tracker can’t feel her anywhere?” Hugh addressed the misty image of Selene’s kinsman.

Oren spread his hands before him. “She’s searching, but no… she can’t find her anywhere. Of course, the entire planet is a lot to search,” he added wryly.

“I think we all know who took her,” Ellie murmured, tapping her fingernail on her teeth. “It was Maddox. Oren, is Sheila able to track him?”

Oren’s figure shifted around and appeared to be addressing someone out of sight. Turning back to the room, he shook his head. “She says she hasn’t been able to find Maddox or the other Vyusher who left with him since they quit the pack.”

“Is someone with them able to block her powers?” Ramsey asked, popping the knuckles in his hands distractedly.

“Not that we are aware of, but that particular group made up Gideon’s key lieutenants and advisors. What they kept secret from the rest of us is still unknown.”

“Hang on…” Ellie shifted her weight from one foot to the other. “Wouldn’t Selene be able to turn their powers off?”

“Possibly,” Oren mused.

Griffin clenched his hands at his sides. “Possibly? What exactly does that mean?”

“A couple of scenarios might be in play here. Maybe she’s knocked unconscious, or she turned off their powers but is trapped somewhere, or they’re blocking her powers.”

“Jeez.” Griffin leaned his elbows on the table and covered his eyes with his hands. “Please tell me someone has an idea on how to deal with this.” He looked around the room desperately. “We have to find her…. We have to!”

Chapter 26

Selene heard the lock turn and quickly sat down on the bed. She assumed her most regal posture — her back straight, ankles crossed daintily to the side, hands folded in her lap, and her face arranged into a cold, blank mask. She took a deep breath and braced herself for whatever was about to come in.

A man entered and closed the door behind him with a soft click.

“Maddox,” Selene said coolly.

He stared at her silently for several long moments. Selene didn’t betray her unease by even a single bat of an eyelash. The many years of hiding her true thoughts and feelings from Gideon were certainly coming in handy now.

Maddox tipped his head. “Ever the ice princess, huh, Selene?”

Selene ignored his comment. “Why have you brought me here?”

“To marry you.”

Selene struggled to keep a straight face. “Why? You have Zara.”

“Zara is willing to step aside for our cause.” Maddox crossed his arms over his chest.

“And what does marrying me have to do with your cause?”

“If we are to continue with Gideon’s reign …” Maddox left the thought

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