Hyacinth - By Abigail Owen Page 0,10

was a rare treat for her. She intended to make the most of it, studying outside as much as possible when she wasn’t in class.

She opened her eyes and blankly stared at her book, not seeing the pages, her mind miles away. Oren had visited her last night, using his astral-projection to appear in his specter-like form. Selene ran through their brief conversation for what must’ve been the hundredth time that day.

She’d been in her bedroom studying when she heard the familiar “My Lady” coming from the living room. She finished washing her face and then went to find him. Selene hadn’t been too surprised to see Oren standing there. Of all the Vyusher, she was closest to him. He’d guided her through her childhood the best he could, despite Gideon’s constant manipulations.

“Hi, Oren.”

He gave her a small, respectful bow. “I just wanted to check on you. Make sure you’re happily settled in.”

Selene smiled. Happy was a subjective term. “I’m fine. All set in my apartment. Thank you for arranging it so quickly for me, by the way. It’s perfect.” She waved a general hand at the charming space.

“How are your classes progressing?” he asked.

“Very interesting so far. I decided to major in history.”

“You always did enjoy a good story,” Oren recalled fondly. “When you were a little girl, you would beg me to tell you the story of Sleeping Beauty over and over again.”

Selene chuckled at the memory. “How is everything there?” she asked after a moment’s hesitation.

Oren paused, an earnest look on his time-wizened face. “There is unrest and confusion among the Vyusher. I know you feel leaving was the right thing to do—”

“I know it was the right thing, Oren,” she insisted. I may be more a danger to them than a help.

Oren had looked as if he’d wanted to say more but had merely nodded, accepting that Selene knew what was best. “There are rumors that you left because you are ashamed of the Vyusher. And there is infighting among the Council about who should lead in your place.”

Selene looked down and tucked a strand of pale hair behind her ear. “You know my views on that. As long as Xavier isn’t selected, the Vyusher should be fine.”

“How about Dez?”

Selene pursed her lips. “Desmond’s smart. He knows how to handle political situations. He’s highly ranked, so the Vyusher would accept him.”

“Yes, but is he committed enough?”

Selene shrugged. “I know it seems as if he takes nothing seriously.”

“That’s an understatement,” Oren muttered.

“But I think that’s not who he is. I think he would make an excellent king, actually.”

“And his father?”

“Gives weight to his claim. But Desmond won’t give in to anyone, if that’s what you’re thinking. He can stand on his own two feet,” Selene said, her chin tipping up.

“I know you two have become… well… friendly. Especially over the last year or so. But are you sure?” Oren asked, his skepticism clear.

Selene nodded. “Positive. But if you’re unconvinced, ask Monica what she thinks.” Monica was a Vyusher with the ability to determine if someone possessed a good innate character or not, similar to the powers of the Jenner females, especially Adelaide’s.

Oren shook his head. “No, My Lady, I am confident in your assessment. I still intend to try to hold off an official replacement for you until after you’ve completed college. Four years is a relatively short period of time. But if I can’t, I will back Desmond with your permission.”

Selene’s eyes warmed. “You have it. Thank you, my friend.”

The conversation had ended shortly after, as Oren’s form wavered and then disappeared. But Selene couldn’t get the exchange out of her mind. Although she’d endorsed Desmond to Oren, a part of her didn’t want to give up her right to rule. She absolutely despised politics, but she didn’t want to abandon her people, either. She knew she needed to do something…. She just wasn’t sure what exactly.

Chapter 7

Selene pushed aside the memory of her visit with Oren and tried to focus on her history book. Only a few paragraphs into her reading, her cell phone rang.

Speak of the devil, she thought as she noticed the caller ID. “Hello, Desmond,” she greeted.

“So, you have my phone number programmed in already,” he teased.

Selene chuckled. “I believe all of the higher-ranked Vyusher are programmed in this phone,” she said. “Oren gave it to me.”

“And here I thought I was special.” He pretended to be hurt, and she could just picture his hand over his heart. Selene rolled her eyes.


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