Huntsman - Morgan Brice Page 0,56

He leveled a glare at Jeffries. “And why can’t the psychics pick up anything on either the fires or the missing people?”

Jeffries looked like he was considering his words carefully. “There are ways for someone with a knowledge of the occult to hide themselves,” he said. “Spells, charms, hex bags—that sort of thing. If this is a Huntsman, I would expect a supernatural bounty hunter to be aware of those tricks, or have allies who could help.”

“I thought Huntsmen were just the boogeymen parents used to frighten children that didn’t behave.” Saunders threw his hands up into the air in frustration, and then turned and began to pace the small hospital room.

“I’ve done some research since Liam came to me with his story,” Jeffries replied. “While a legend has grown up around Huntsmen that probably exaggerates some details, I have found reason to believe that the legend is based on fact. Meaning—it’s possible that they’re real.”

“Fuck,” Armel muttered under his breath.

Jeffries’s phone pinged. He glanced down and dismissed the new text, then froze and his eyes widened. “Guys, we’ve got trouble.”

“What?” Drew asked.

Russ felt a chill run down his spine, sure something bad had happened to Liam.

“I can’t believe I missed this,” Jeffries fretted. “I was working, and I didn’t pay attention to my phone—”

“What?” this time, Saunders and Armel asked in unison, voices rising in a commanding tone.

“Liam sent this two hours ago. He says he was going to go look for wild foxes to see if they had seen anything to help find the missing hikers.”

“Shit,” Russ growled.

“He gave me the coordinates and the log-in for his phone GPS, and he said he intended to take a tracker with him somehow when he shifted.”

“Like that key-finder you told me about,” Drew said with a groan. “Except I don’t know how he’d keep one on him as a fox.”

“Let’s just hope he managed,” Armel replied. He looked at Jeffries. “Call him.”

Jeffries obliged, setting the phone on speaker. They all heard the repeated ringing, and then Liam’s cheery voice, “This is Liam Reynard. Please leave a message.”

“Goddammit!” Armel roared. “When will civilians learn that they aren’t the fucking Hardy Boys?”

Russ used one hand to hit the call button by his bed, while he leaned on the other hand to help him sit up. A nurse bustled into the room, looking at him with alarm. “What’s going on?”

“I’m signing myself out,” Russ answered, swinging his legs out of bed.

“The doctor needs to approve—”

“Then sign me out AMA,” Russ growled. He looked to Drew. “Find me some pants, or you all get to see my full moon.” The nurse fixed him with a disapproving look and hurried out as Drew ransacked the drawers of the nightstand and came up with a pair of scrubs.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Chief Saunders demanded.

“With you, to find Liam and kick the Huntsman’s ass.”

Drew stayed close as Russ maneuvered so he could pull on the pants without giving everyone a free show. Russ felt proud that although he still felt like he’d been hit by a truck, he didn’t need help to get dressed.

“What’s all this?” A harried-looking doctor came into the room just a few steps behind the same nurse they had seen minutes before. “Why are you out of bed?”

Russ turned to the doctor. “Am I in any danger?”

The doctor looked taken aback. “No, but—”

“Then I’m signing myself out.”

“You’ve healed quickly, as I’d expect from a shifter, but I would advise remaining under observation for another night—”

“I can walk. I can breathe. I can even almost talk,” Russ grated. “So give me my papers.”

“I need to note that this is against medical advice,” the physician huffed.

“Noted. Now someone find me my damn shoes.”

The two medical professionals exchanged a look, and the doctor shrugged. The nurse came over and removed the IV from Russ’s hand. “I was afraid you’d do something like this. So I’ve already got pharmacy bringing up your medications. Don’t try to leave without them, or I’ll put you back on your ass so fast you won’t know what hit you,” she added without looking up, making it clear that his wolf didn’t intimidate her in the slightest.

That’s what you get for having a badger shifter for a nurse.

Chief Saunders turned to glower at Russ. “How do you think you’re going to manage? You look like you can barely stay on your feet.”

“Liam’s my true mate,” Russ replied, meeting the chief’s gaze. “I don’t care if I have to crawl. I’m Copyright 2016 - 2024