The Hunter and the Mage (The Raven and the Dove #2) - Kaitlyn Davis Page 0,45

you were an attacker, which you aren't, and I had no qualms about hurting you, which I do, I suppose I'd start by throwing my head back in an attempt to break your nose. Then I'd flare my wings to try to loosen your hold and use my right arm, which you left unrestricted, to elbow you in the gut."

"Close, but no."

"I really do have some place I need to be."

"First," she said, tone a bit haughty as befitted someone holding him against a wall, "you call for help. Because you're a prince, and guards around nearly every corner of the castle swore an oath to protect you. There's no shame in knowing when you're beat. It takes a shrewd mind to admit defeat—only an idiot fights a losing battle when they have a winning hand yet to play. Then, while the guards are on their way, you use one or both of your legs to push off the wall, since you have a height and weight advantage on me. If you're lucky, I'll fall and you can roll free. If you're not, keep pushing back until my wings slam into the opposite wall, and the pain will likely force me to let you go. The elbow idea was good too. That might work, especially since most attackers would underestimate your right side as your weak side. I wonder if we could fashion some sort of metal plate to be sewn into your clothes."

"I don't think that will be necessary."

"The people are rioting for Rafe's head right now. Need I remind you that you look just like him?"

Xander scowled. "No."

At his tone, Cassi finally loosened her hold, pulling the knife from his throat and unraveling their limbs. Without her so close, the air felt cool and a shiver raced down his spine as he turned to face her head-on. She was shorter, though not by much, and he might've been heavier only because of his bones, whereas he had the sense that the body hiding beneath her clothes was made of muscle—supple and smooth.

Don't think about that, he chided, heat gathering at his collar.

"I didn't mean to offend." She mistook his response for annoyance and glanced down to play with the dagger in her hand. "The people want blood, and they might be fine replacing one brother for another if the true target of their frustration can't be found."

"I know." He put his fingers gently against hers and she froze, staring at their hands. He hastily dropped his away. "That's why I'm going out into the city right now, to show my face and ease their fears, to prove I'm still the prince they know. You can come if you'd like, to watch my back. Though I'm afraid another lesson will have to wait. I doubt the people would approve of you tossing me up against the castle walls. At least, I hope they wouldn't."

A smile passed over her lips, there and gone. She flipped the dagger in her hands so that she held the blade and offered it to him. He couldn't help but feel there was a veil over her eyes, guarding the truth. "Take this. You should always have a weapon on you, just in case. To hold your secrets, if nothing else."

Their fingers grazed as he took the blade. It felt cumbersome in his hand, as though it might do more harm than good. Xander gave it back. "I'll get one from Helen. I don't want to leave you defenseless."

Cassi arched her brow dubiously.

"I will," he insisted.

With a shrug, she slipped the dagger smoothly back into her belt. "At least keep more aware of your surroundings, especially out there." She jerked her chin toward the window. "In the meantime, I'll see if Nyara surprises me and kills Tassos in his sleep, the way I'm sort of hoping she will."

He laughed and shook his head. "You're terrible."

"You have no idea."

With that, she left. Xander watched until she turned a corner, black-and-white speckled wings disappearing around a bend. Even then, it took a moment for him to move, still considering the hollow tone of her voice. He'd only been joking, but Cassi's response was all too real. Another piece to the puzzle of her, one he wouldn't solve today.

Xander turned in the opposite direction to make for the practice grounds, his original destination before he'd been sidetracked. Helen was already there waiting with an escort when he arrived, his message from breakfast having reached the spot before he Copyright 2016 - 2024