The Hunter and the Mage (The Raven and the Dove #2) - Kaitlyn Davis Page 0,35

only accepted her magic but praised it. Was swapping one cage for another so difficult? Like any bird, she longed for open skies. Like any royal, she knew the dream to be unattainable. Down here at least, she would be free to use her magic, no longer forced to hide the very essence of her soul.

Lyana didn’t know what she wanted, but for the first time since her arrival in the world below, she was open to new possibilities. She tightened her hold on Malek's hand. With his magic still freely flowing, she wondered if he felt the change in her spirit as a smile widened his lips. He turned toward her, studying the planes of her face, a slight furrow to his brow.

"I'm ready," she whispered for his ears alone, bringing her power to the surface. The magic sizzled beneath her palm, aching to be used.

"We're nearly there."

He jutted his chin to the side where a towering castle sat heavy in the fog, the gray stones nearly invisible in the misty folds. An imposing wall hid most of the base from view, but behind it, Lyana saw mossy cliffs and roughly hewn towers, as though an island of rock had been carved into a fortress. The canal spilled into a dark tunnel blocked by an iron gate, through which still waters and a small dock were barely visible.

As they neared the entrance, ferro'kine magic guided the bars to open and the boat spun toward the crowd yearning for one final glimpse of their king and queen. Malek nodded subtly, a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. As soon as Lyana opened herself up to her magic, she understood why.

A gasp escaped her lips.

Malek tightened his hold on her fingers.

The world dissolved into golden spirits, no bodies, no buildings, no boulders—only magic and the many souls yearning for her touch. She felt them all as though she held each one in her arms, their pain screaming out to be healed. A thousand aching stomachs. A thousand gaping wounds. A thousand pining hearts. Lyana released her power, drowning in the need, unable to focus her magic or her mind. No matter how much she pushed, they kept pulling like a yawning abyss impossible to fill. Time ceased. Awareness ceased. Unable to ride the wave, Lyana succumbed to the torrent, getting swallowed by it instead.



Catching sight of the dragon had transformed the ship. Instead of idle time and banter, solitary workings and bored pranks, there was order. Every sailor had a role. Every magic had a purpose. Even Shadow had risen from her afternoon slumber to take her spot by the rail, darkness curling around her fingers like gossamer snakes prepared to strike.

Rafe was the only one who seemed out of place as he dangled on the net, unsure if his presence on deck would be a hindrance or a service. Even with the twin swords attached to his back, what could he do against a dragon? Unlike the gusting winds striking the sails and the tunnels of pure light carving away at the mist, his magic was useless to all except himself. In the end, he decided the best thing he could do was stay out of their way.

Climbing back up the net to the perch at the top of the mast felt like running from a battle, the coward's way out, but he didn’t know what else to do. Was he still a warrior without his wings? Or had Cassi taken that too?

"We need to catch its interest," Captain Rokaro shouted, drawing Rafe's attention away from his own dark thoughts. "We'll lose it in a chase."

Catch its interest?

Rafe turned back to the bow, spotting a flash of tail through the mist. Spout's water magic dusted the sea with sapphire glitter, churning the current in their favor, but even with Captain’s and Patch's forceful gales, they were no closer to the beast. The rest of the crew acted almost immediately. Pyro sent waves of flame to either side of the ship, so warm Rafe's cheeks burned and the air felt nearly dry. Darkness rolled over the ocean, a blanket of thick ebony that swallowed the fog. Lightning crackled, making the water splash where it struck, not far from where Jolt stood on deck. Everyone with magic sent it soaring aimlessly into the sky. There seemed to be no purpose behind the display, just raw might, as though baiting the beast to come closer. Brighty shot another beam of energy into the Copyright 2016 - 2024