The Hunter and the Mage (The Raven and the Dove #2) - Kaitlyn Davis Page 0,170

gotten Rafe to learn in order to spirit her away. But in truth, Taetanos had welcomed her into the spirit realm where all the gods were waiting to greet her. They said a terrible war was coming. They said she was chosen to help guide their people through these uncertain times. And they gifted her with the power of Aethios so she might see his will done. When the House of Whispers fell, the gods knew their time was running out, and Taetanos released her back to the world of the living.

"Do you really think they'll believe it?" she asked as they neared the northern edge of the House of Song, a dense canopy of trees visible just beyond the cliffs.

"You know what my mother told me once?"

He took her hand to stop her and Lyana turned. As they hovered side by side, the moonlight played on the skin of their joined fingers, a study in shadow and light. It had been so long since she'd seen the stars, since the sky had felt open and expansive rather than condensed and closed in.

"She said frightened gossip has the power to bring a kingdom to its knees, but I have something to add to that. Hope has the power to make a fallen kingdom rise." He swallowed and tightened his grip, his words like deftly wielded weapons cutting her doubts away. "You are that hope, Lyana. You'll be the bright spark to lead our people through the darkness. They'll believe you, because right now they need something to believe in. They've lost their homes, their way of life. Some of them have lost their families. They're terrified and adrift. Your arrival will be the dawn of a new day. Trust me. I believe that, and if you believe it, they'll believe it too."

He'd always had a way about him that made her feel special, but this was different. Now he made her feel strong. He spoke with conviction and authority. He spoke like a king—a true king, who led through faith and love instead of emotionless power. Lyana had almost forgotten what that felt like, but she was grateful for the reminder. "Thank you, Xander."

"Are you ready?" He lifted his chin toward the isle waiting just out of reach.

"No," she answered with a grin. "But let's do this anyway."

As they crested the edge and soared over the thick forests of the songbird homeland, Lyana gathered her power, mulling over his words. If she believed, they'd believe. Though she was nervous and frightened and unsure, she couldn’t show it. She had to be strong. She had to lead. There would be no more racing into the clouds, dreaming about the distant horizon and the adventure she might find there. It was time to grow up. For them. For the world. For herself.

It was time to become a queen.

They found the flock in an open clearing a few miles inland, the sea of raven wings looking like molten obsidian beneath the moonlight. Helen was the first to spot them, jumping to her feet as her hand rose to fight the glare. More soon followed, pointing and shouting as their prince and princess descended from the sky. Stealing Malek's favorite trick, Lyana sent her magic out in a wave of gold. It enveloped the lost ravens, filling their souls with warmth and love, that small trace of healing power just enough to enliven their weary bones. Without magic, no one would be able to see the subtle shimmer in the air. They'd just feel the slightest weight lifting off their shoulders. And anyone with magic, well, Lyana trusted they'd keep her secret. She was done being afraid, done hiding who she was, done pretending that power didn't run like blood through her veins.

"Helen," Xander called as soon as they landed on the soft grass. "Where's my mother?"

The captain of the guards dropped her gaze, and Lyana's heart dropped with it.


"My prince," Helen said, apology thickening her tone. With her magic on full display, Lyana felt Xander's spirit freeze, as though his heart had stopped beating in his chest. "The queen didn't make it."

Xander took Lyana's hand, squeezing her fingers, and she squeezed right back, aching for him as the pain in his soul sank into her own, the sort of wound even her magic couldn't heal.

"What happened?"

"She was gone by the time I got to her room. The ceiling in the royal chambers collapsed during the earthquake, crushing her beneath it. There was nothing Copyright 2016 - 2024