The Hunter and the Mage (The Raven and the Dove #2) - Kaitlyn Davis Page 0,137

nothing. She wasn't sure what to say. He was right. She was a coward, but she'd never thought of him that way. He was kind, and noble, and full of honor, which was why it took no effort at all to imagine him flying to his death like a valiant knight from one of his books. But there was more than one way to be a hero, and this way would surely get him killed. "Xander, I—"

The ground shook and Cassi stopped abruptly. The rock walls grumbled as dust rained from the ceiling to cloud the air. Every other earthquake she'd experienced had been caused by a blast of magic, but this was different. There was no tingle in the hairs at the back of her neck, whispering of power. There'd been nothing to prompt it. The tremors were steady and slow, not the rough aftereffects of unleashed energy. This was something she didn’t understand.

"Do you know why this is happening?" he asked over the noise.

"You were right back in Rynthos," she told him. "You were right, and I made you doubt yourself. When people use magic close to the god stones, it weakens the spell holding them afloat. But this feels different, Xander."

"Different how?"

"I can't explain, just different. That day in the sacred nest, Lyana released a lot of power. The spell might've been weakened. The stone might still be recovering. I don't know."

"I have to go."


Somehow they were near enough, and she snatched his hand. Cassi wasn't sure when in the conversation they'd drifted closer, as though some unconscious force had brought them together. He swallowed as he glanced at the spot where her tan fingers wrapped around his fair ones, but he didn't move.

"Xander, please. Before you go, you have to promise me you won't say anything. Not to Helen. Not to your mother. Not even to Luka. I know you don't owe me anything, and I know I've lost your trust, but you must understand that this information will destroy everything. If the avians find out what lies beneath the mist, they'll gather armies. They'll charge headfirst into a war they can’t win. The mages down there don't want to hurt the people of this world, but they will if there's no other option. Please don't make magic your enemy. It doesn't have to be. Lyana is the Queen Bred of Snow and I have faith in her. She loves her homeland. She won't let it be destroyed."

He closed his eyes so tightly little wrinkles sprouted at the corners, and then wrenched his hand free. "I have to go."


He ignored her plea as he turned and pulled the key from his pocket. After he crossed the threshold, he slammed the bars shut, the ring of metal audible through the subtle groan of the still-shaking earth. He bolted the lock, sealing her inside.

"More assassins will come," she shouted after him, pushing her cheeks against the iron as though she could squeeze through. He walked steadily away, his black wings spread for balance as the ground quivered. "They can be anyone. Don't drop your guard. Don't—"

A door thudded closed.

Cassi slumped against the bars, holding them with both hands to keep from sliding to the ground. Yet there was no time for pity, no time to question things. She pushed herself up with a sharp inhale and scanned the air, studying the dust still dropping from the ceiling and searching for a disruption. Of course there wouldn’t be one. She knew that. Still, she couldn't help but feel as though maybe she wasn't alone.

"If there's a dormi'kine in here, I suggest you go to the sacred nest and check on the god stone. Something's not right, and I have somewhere else I need to be."

Without another word, she collapsed to the ground and slipped into her spirit body, the one no walls, no bars, and no magic could contain.

Xander had been right.

Actions, and not words, defined a person. She could say she was sorry to Rafe, but what had she done to help him? She could say she loved Lyana, but what had she done to ease her pain? It had been easy in the House of Peace, to hold a bow in her hands and an arrow to her eye, and pretend that was all it took to help her friend, but those were lies she'd told herself. This time right here was what defined her. And what had she done? Hidden. From her orders. From her decisions. Copyright 2016 - 2024