The Hunter and the Mage (The Raven and the Dove #2) - Kaitlyn Davis Page 0,114

and roof now encasing it. Pyro almost looked disappointed. The enthusiasm in her eyes dampened along with the flames at her fingers, and she dropped her arm down by her side.

"That's it?" Brighty asked. "I mean, it’s a little anticlimactic."

"You say that like it's a bad thing," Archer commented.

"Pyro, back me up."

"Enough," Captain cut in. "The king has his dragon. Tell him my crew and I are taking a few days to regroup. I think we've earned it."

With those words, a warm thrill shot down Rafe's chest as anticipation swarmed like a hive of bees through his veins, making his skin buzz. He'd done it. He'd actually done it. He'd brought the king a dragon, and now it was the king's turn to make good on his end of the deal.

"What about my wings?" Rafe asked. My wings. My wings! "Where's the king?"

"He wanted to be here to fulfill his end of the bargain, but urgent matters intervened," Jacinta said. "He's expecting you at the castle. There's a boat waiting out back. If you'll follow Nyomi, she'll take you." The ferro'kine jutted her chin toward the other woman, who stood waiting by a door. "To the rest of you, it's been a pleasure."

That final word sounded as though it had been torn from her throat by force. Archer laughed softly as she walked away, while Brighty wrinkled her nose. Rafe turned toward the captain, a knot in his throat that hadn’t been there a moment before. He had only just realized this was goodbye. What would he say to her? How could he thank her?

"Captain Rokaro, I—"

"Save it," she said, holding up her hand. "I'm too tired and too cranky for this right now. We'll be docked for a few days. Come to the ship before you leave so everyone can gawk at you. I think they'd enjoy seeing a person fly. I know I would."

Relief flooded through him. His entire life had been one massive goodbye. He wasn't ready for another quite yet. Instead, he grinned. "Aye, aye, Captain."

"Archer, Pyro, with me. Brighty, we won't wait long."

As they walked off, Brighty clutched his arm and yanked him down so she could whisper in his ear. "I don't like this."

"Do you like anything?"

"I mean it, Rafe. I have a bad feeling about this." She relaxed her grip just enough to stare imploringly into his eyes. That alone should have made him pause, but it didn’t. All Rafe could think about were his wings, and the sky, and putting this one broken piece of himself back together. "Why didn’t the king come himself? And don't tell me you believe some crap about an urgent matter. Why isn’t he here like he said he'd be? And why do you have to go to him? Why won't he come to you?"

"Do you really think he ever goes to anyone? I only met him once, but he didn’t seem the type."

"That's beside the point," she grumbled, her pleading expression turning to a glare. "The point is, I know you like to act first and think later, but maybe, just this once, use your head. Why is the king doing this? Why? He always has ulterior motives, Rafe—always."

"I know, Brighty," he said as he gently disentangled her fingers from his jacket. A longing no one of this world could ever understand filled him as he caught sight of the captain's caramel feathers. He was a bird. It was who he was, who he'd always be, and the sky was calling. "I know, and I don't care. I need my wings. I need them. I'll deal with the rest later."

Brighty squeezed his hands, words hovering on her lips and clogging her throat, the need to say them dancing across her opal eyes. She was worried, and she hated it, which was why, in the end, she dropped her arms and let him go. "Fine. But don't say I didn’t warn you."

"Cheer up," he teased. "You're almost free of me."

"Ain't that the truth." She rolled her eyes and pushed him away. "Go, you big oaf. But you better come say goodbye, or I'll hunt you down. I don't care if you can fly. I'll find you."

He pressed a hand to his chest. "I'm honored."

"Just go."

A laugh was on his lips as he ran across the room to where Nyomi waited, holding the door open as he approached. He was still smiling as she led him down a dark hall and then back outside, where the mist welcomed Copyright 2016 - 2024