Hunted House of Night - By Kristin Cast Page 0,92

died he seemed really intuitive."

"Stark is an absolute asshole," Shaunee said.

"Yeah, between what we heard from the other kids, and what went on with Becca, we can definitely say he's seriously bad news," Erin said.

"Dying and then un-dying might have messed him up, but my vote is that he was a jerk before he croaked and then uncroaked," Aphrodite said. "We all need to stay far, far away from him. I think his badness is right up there with Kalona and Neferet."

"Yeah, he's like a Raven Mocker without the wings," Erin said.

"Eesh," Shaunee agreed.

I didn't say anything. I just sat there and felt really tired and really guilty. I'd kissed him. Again. And my friends all thought he was a monster, prght T Cobably because he was a monster. And if he's such bad news, which it seriously looks like he is, how the hell could I think there is anything good left in him?

"Okay, Z has to sleep," Damien said, getting up with Cameron still in his arms. "We know what we're supposed to do, so let's do it and then get out of here." Damien hugged me. "Forget about Kramisha's poem," he whispered. "You can't save everyone, especially if he doesn't want to be saved."

I hugged him back, but didn't say anything.

"Getting back to those tunnels sounds good to me. We all need to be away from this place." Damien smiled sadly at me and left the room with the Twins, who called goodbyes to me, too, as their cat trotted after them.

"Come on." Aphrodite took Darius's hand and pulled him off the bed. "You're not going back to your room to night."

"I'm not?" he said, smiling warmly at her.

"No, you're not. There seems to be a scarcity of Sons of Erebus around here, so I'm going to keep my eyes, and a few other parts of my body, on you."

"Puke," I said, but I couldn't help grinning at them.

"You just sleep," Aphrodite told me. "You'll need all your strength to deal with the guy mess waiting for you. I have a feeling Erik and Heath are going to be a bigger drain than controlling the elements."

"Hey, thanks, Aphrodite," I said sarcastically.

"Don't mention it. I'm all about helping you out."

"Good night, Priestess. I wish you a restful sleep," Darius said right before Aphrodite pulled him out of the room. The last of the cats followed him out, leaving me alone (finally) with my Nala.

I sighed and dug into my pocket for the bottle of blood stashed there. I shook it up like it was one of those yummy cold Starbucks bottled drinks and downed it. The blood felt good spreading like warm fingers through my body, but it didn't give me the electric jolt I was used to. I was just too exhausted. I dragged myself from the bed, pulled off the stupid hospital clothes, and rattled around in my drawer for my favorite guy's boxers (the ones with Batman symbols all over them) and a stretched-out old T-shirt. Just before I put on the shirt I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and froze.

Was that really me? I looked way older than seventeen. All of my tattoos were visible, and they were like a breath of life blown across a corpse. I was so pale! And the circles under my eyes were truly scary. Slowly I allowed my gaze to drift down to check out my wound. It was awful, and so darn big! I mean, it stretched all the way from shoulder to shoulder. No, it wasn't gaped open anymore like a hideous mouth, but it was a jagged, puckered red ridge that made Darius's knife wound look like the scratch he liked to call it.

I touched the wound gently and winced at how sore it was. Would it always stay this raised? Okay, I realize it was incredibly shallow of me, but I wanted to burst into tears. Not because all hell was coming against us. Not because Neferet had turned ?ber-dangerous. Not because she and Kalona might very well be threatenim out, le y0lleng the balance of good and evil in the known world. Not because I was a confused mess about Erik and Heath and Stark. But because I was going to have a massively ugly scar, and I'd probably never be able to wear a tank top again. And what about if I ever wanted to let anyone see me, well, naked again? I mean, I'd had one bad experience, Copyright 2016 - 2024