Hunted House of Night - By Kristin Cast Page 0,87

crouched together, speaking barely above a whisper.

Automatically I looked over at the area where my friends and I liked to gather and was relieved to see Damien and the Twins. They had Becca in the middle of them, and I assumed they were comforting the girl and keeping her from bursting into hysterical tears. When I got closer, I understood that I was very wrong.

"Really, I'm fine. It's no big deal," Becca was insisting in a voice that wasn't shaky and scared anymore, but had suddenly changed to sounding incredibly annoyed.

"No big deal!" Shaunee said. "Of course it was a big deal."

"The guy attacked you," Erin said. B Q Ht wasn&rs

"It wasn't exactly like that," Becca said, waving her hands dismissively. "We were just messing around. Plus, Stark really is hot."

Erin snorted. "Yeah, I usually find rapists majorly hot."

Becca's eyes narrowed and she looked cold and mean. "Stark is hot, and you're just jealous that he didn't want you." "Didn't want me?" Erin said incredulously. "Don't you mean, didn't want to molest me? Why are you making excuses for him?"

"What the hell's wrong with you, Becca?" Shaunee said. "No guy should ever get away with--"

"Hang on," Damien spoke up. "You know, Becca's right. Stark is one hot guy." The Twins stared at him in shock, and he hurried on. "If Becca says they were just messing around, who are we to judge?"

It was then that Darius and I stepped into their agitated little circle. "What's going on? Are you okay?" I asked Becca.

"Totally fine." Throwing the Twins an icy look, she got to her feet. "Actually, I'm starving, so I'm gonna go find something to eat. Sorry I caused you two a hassle out there. Later." She hurried away.

"What the hell just happened?" I asked in a low voice.

"The same thing that's happened all over this damn--"

"Upstairs!" Darius commanded, shutting Erin up.

I was semi-amazed to see my friends meekly obey Darius. We filed out of the common room, ignoring the curious stares of the few kids who were quietly sitting around. On the way up the staircase, Darius said, "Is Aphrodite in her room?"

"Yeah, she said she was tired," Shaunee said.

"She's probably hanging upside down from the ceiling in her usual batperch," Erin said. She glanced over her shoulder at Darius and added, "Speaking of Aphrodikey, she's gonna give birth to a big ol' litter of kittens when she sees that you've messed up your pretty face."

"Yeah, and if you need comfort from her shallow hatefulness, you can try a little caf? mocha over here," Shaunee said, waggling her brows at him.

"Or a vanilla smoothie over here," Erin flirted.

Darius smiled good-naturedly and just said, "I will keep that in mind."

I thought the Twins were taking their lives in their hands, and I was darn sure not going to get between them and Aphrodite if she found out they'd been flirting with her man, but I was too tired to say anything.

"You know that blue cashmere pullover you just got from Saks?" Damien asked Erin.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"I call dibs on it if Aphrodite disembowels you for hitting on her man," Damien said.

"She's just a human now," Erin said.

"Yeah, we figure together we can take her," Shaunee said, then she blew kisses at Darius. "Remember that, warrior boy."

Darius chuckled and I rolled my eyes. We were just passing my room when my door opened and Aphrodite called, "I'm in here."

We all stopped and filed into my room. "Aphrodite, what are you doing in--"

"Ohmygoddess! What the hell happened to your face?" Not paying attention to anyone else, Aphrodite ran to Darius and started to flutter her hands around the long thin wound that stretched down the side of his face. "Are you okay? Damn, it looks awful! Does it hurt?" She pulled back the sleeves on her shirt, exposing the newly healed bite marks Stevie Rae's teeth had left. "Do you need to bite me? Go ahead. I don't mind."

Darius took her hands in his, stilling her anxious movements, and said calmly, "I am well, my beauty. It is but a scratch."

"How did it happen?" Aphrodite sounded close to tears as she pulled on Darius's hands and led him over to the spare bed that used to be Stevie Rae's.

"My beauty! All is well," he repeated, pulling her down on his lap and holding her close to him.

He said a bunch of other stuff to her, too, but I'd stopped listening. I was too busy staring at the--

"Cameron! There you are, sweetheart! Copyright 2016 - 2024