Hunted House of Night - By Kristin Cast Page 0,80

walls was of Oklahoma landscapes, which probably came with the room. Oh, he also had a mini-fridge like Aphrodite's, which kinda annoyed me. Did everyone have a fridge except me? Jeesh. There was a big, heavily draped picture window that I wandered over to, pulling back a corner of the curtains and looking out so Darius could change his clothes without causing a jealous Aphrodite to disembowel either of us.

It should have been a busy time. Classes were out and kids should have been going from the academic part of the school to the dorms, rec room, cafeteria, and just in general hanging out and being teenagers. Instead, I only saw a couple of people doing their best slip and slide down the sidewalk as they hurried from one building to another.

Even though my intuition was nO ftk telling me there was way more to it than that, I wanted to blame the dead quiet of the school on the weather. The dark sky was still spitting icy rain, and despite the isolating effects of the storm, I was enthralled with how magical the shining coating of frozen water made everything look. Trees bowed under the crystalline weight that entombed their branches. The soft yellow of the gaslights flickered over slick walls and sidewalks. The coolest thing was the ice-encapsulated grass. It stuck up in brittle spikes all over, glistening when light hit it just right, making the ground look like it had grown a field of diamonds.

"Wow," I said, more to myself than Darius, "I know the ice storm is a pain in the butt, but it really is pretty. It makes everything look like a whole different world."

Darius was pulling a sweatshirt on over a clean T-shirt as he joined me at the window. His frown said that he saw the pain-in-the-butt part of the storm more than the ice magic of it.

"I don't see one sentry," he said, and I realized that his frown hadn't been directed just at the ice but at the boundaries of the walls, which we could see from his window, too. "We should be able to see at least two or three of my brother warriors from here, but there is no one." Then I felt him stiffen.

"What is it?"

"I spoke too soon, and you were correct. This is a whole different world. There are sentries posted. They are just not my brothers." He pointed at a spot on the wall to our right where it curved behind Nyx's Temple, which was situated right across from the building we were in. There, between the shadow of an ancient oak and the rear of the temple, the darkness shifted to reveal the bent shape of a Raven Mocker crouched on the wall. "And there," Darius motioned down the wall a little way to another spot. I'd overlooked it as nothing more than a natural fold of darkness on this stormy night, but as I stared, it, too, moved slightly, revealing another terrible man-bird creature.

"They're all over," I said. "How are we going to get out of here?"

"Can you disguise us with the elements, as you did before?"

"I don't know. I'm so tired, and I feel weird. My cut is better, but it's like I keep getting drained and never really refilled." Then my stomach sank further as I realized something else. "After I used fire and wind to knock Kalona off you, I didn't have to release the elements. They just weren't there anymore. That's never happened before. They've always hung around until I bid them depart."

"You're exhausting yourself. The ability to conjure and control the elements is your gift, but it doesn't come without a price. You're young and healthy, so under normal circumstances you probably hardly notice the drain it causes in you." "I have a couple of times before, but it's never been like this."

"You've never been close to death before. Add to that the fact that you haven't had time to rest and recuperate, and that's a dangerous combination."

"In other words, we may not be able to count on me to sneak us out of here," I said.

"How about we call you Plan C, and we F.Won me to stry to come up with Plans A and B."

"I'd rather be Plan Z," I grumbled.

"Well, this will help, even if it's just a temporary fix." He went to the mini-fridge and pulled out what looked like two water bottles, only the bottles were filled with a thick red liquid I Copyright 2016 - 2024