Hunted House of Night - By Kristin Cast Page 0,72

summer and the freshness of a cleansing rain.

"Enough sentimentality. I'll take her now." And before I could draw another breath Kalona had taken me from Darius. Pressed against his naked chest I closed my eyes and tried to cling to the strength of the elements as I trembled at the wonderful cold heat of his body.

"I will wait here." I heard Darius say before the door closed with a sickening thud of finality, shutting my friends out and leaving me alone with my enemy, a fallen angel, and the monstrous bird creature his ancient lust had created.

Then I did something I'd only done twice before in my entire life. I fainted.
Chapter Eighteen
The first thing I realized as I began to regain consciousness was that the crisp sheets of the infirmary bed were cool against my naked skin, which meant I didn't have any clothes on.

The second thing I realized was everything within me was telling me to keep my eyes closed and keep breathing deeply. In other words, I needed to pretend I was still out.

Staying as still as possible I tried to take inventory of my body. Okay, the long nasty wound on my chest was hurting considerably less than it had been when I'd passed out. I searched around with my senses (except sight, of course) and could feel and smell the lingering presence of spirit, air, water, and fire. The elements weren't fully manifested and glaringly obvious, but they were there around me, soothing and strengthening--and making me worried as hell for my friends. Go back to the others! I ordered the elements silently, and felt their reluctant departures. All except for spirit. I wanted to sigh and roll my eyes. Instead I concentrated harder. Spirit, go to Aphrodite. Stay close to her. Almost instantly I felt the absence of the powerful element. I must have made an involuntary movement at the departure of spirit because from somewhere near my feet Neferet spoke up.

"She stirred. I do not doubt she will regain consciousness soon." There was a pause, and I could hear her moving as if she were pacing as she continued to speak. "I still say I should not have healed her. Zoey's death could have been easily explained. She was almost dead when she arrived here."

"If what you have told me is true and she has dominion over all five of the elements, she is too powerful to be allowed to perish," Kalona said. He, too, sounded like he was standing near the end of my bed.

"What I've told you is the complete truth," Neferet said. "She controls the elements."

] wj V"Then we can use her. Why not include her in our new vision of the future? Having her allegiance would sway any members of the Council who would not readily succumb to me."

New vision of the future? Swaying the Council? As in the High Council of Vampyres? Holy crap!

Neferet's response was smooth and confident. "We won't need her, my love. Our plan will succeed. You should know that Zoey will never use her power for us anyway. She is entirely too infatuated with the Goddess."

"Ah, but that can change." His deep voice was like melted chocolate. Even though my mind was racing with the news I'd just overheard, my body was mesmerized by the sound of him; it felt good just to listen to him. "I seem to recall another priestess whose infatuation with the Goddess was broken."

"She is young and not wise enough to allow her eyes to be opened to more intriguing possibilities, as mine have been." Their voices were so close together that I knew she must be in his arms. "All Zoey can ever be to us is another enemy. I believe the day will come when either you or I will have to kill her."

Kalona chuckled. "You are such a delightfully bloodthirsty creature. If the young priestess is not a benefit to us, then of course she shall eventually be disposed of. Until then I will see what I can do about breaking the shackles that bind her."

"No. I want you to stay away from her!" Neferet snapped.

"You would do well to remember who is master here. I will not be ruled or commanded or trapped, ever again. And I am not your impotent Goddess. What I give I will take away if I am displeased!" The sexy silkiness was gone from Kalona's voice, and a terrible coldness had replaced it.

"Don't be angry." Neferet was instantly contrite. "It is Copyright 2016 - 2024