Hunted House of Night - By Kristin Cast Page 0,68

to have to agree with you," Darius said.
Chapter Seventeen
Darius was the first of us out of the vehicle. His face was set in expressionless lines so that he looked strong and confident, but entirely unreadable. He ignored the Raven Mockers, who were staring at him with their terrible eyes, and addressed the warrior in the center of the group.

"Greetings, Aristos," Darius said. Though he clenched his fist over his heart in a quick salute, I noticed Darius did not bow. "I have several fledglings, including a young priestess, with me. The priestess has been severely wounded and is in need of immediate medical attention."

Before Aristos could respond, the largest of the Raven Mockers cocked its head to the side and said, "Which priestess returns to the House of Night?"

Even inside the Hummer I shivered hearing the creature's voice. This one sounded more human than the one that had attacked me, but that made it even more frightening.

Slowly and deliberately Darius shifted his attention from Aristos to the horrible creature who was neither bird nor man, but a mutated mixture of both. "Creature, I do not know you."

The Raven Mocker narrowed its red eyes at Darius. Z^x the creat"Son of man, you may call me Rephaim."

Darius didn't blink. "I still do not know you."

"You will know me," Rephaim hissed, opening his beak so that I could see into his maw.

Darius ignored the creature and addressed Aristos again. "I have a priestess who has been badly wounded and several fledglings who are in need of rest. Will you allow us to pass?"

"Is it Zoey Redbird? Do you have her with you?" Aristos asked. Every one of the Raven Mockers reacted to my name. Each of them turned their attention from Darius to our Hummer. Wings ruffling and abnormal limbs twitching with subdued energy, the things stared. I'd never been so glad for tinted windows in my life.

"It is." Darius's response was clipped. "Will you let us pass?" he repeated.

"Of course," Aristos said. "All fledglings have been ordered to return to campus." He gestured toward the school buildings. The movement briefly allowed the side of his neck to be illuminated by the nearest gaslight, and I saw a thin red line running across his skin, as if his neck had recently been injured.

Darius nodded tersely. "I will carry the priestess to the infirmary. She cannot walk."

Darius had started to return to the vehicle when Rephaim said, "Is the Red One with you?"

Darius glanced back at him. "I do not know what you mean by the Red One," he said blandly.

In an instant Rephaim had spread his massive black wings and leaped on the hood of the Hummer. The crackling of the metal denting under his weight was drowned out by the collective hissing of the agitated cats. Rephaim perched there, human hands curled into claws, lurking over Darius. "Do not lie to me, ssssson of man! You know I sssspeak of the red vampyre!" As his temper spiked, his voice became less human.

"Get ready to call your elements," I said, trying to push down the pain and speak clearly and calmly, even though I felt so weak and lightheaded that I wasn't certain I could call spirit for Aphrodite, let alone help control and direct the rest of them. "If that thing attacks Darius, we throw everything we have at it, pull Darius in here, and drive away like hell."

But Darius didn't seem perturbed at all. He looked up at the creature coolly. "You mean the red vampyre priestess Stevie Rae?"

"Yessss!" The word was one long hiss.

"She is not with me. I have only blue fledglings here. And the priestess among them needs immediate aid--as I have already explained." Darius continued to gaze calmly up at the thing that looked like it had stepped out of a nightmare. "For the final time, do you allow us to pass or not?"

"Passss, of courssssse," the creature hissed. It didn't get off the Hummer, but leaned back so that Darius could barely get the driver's side door open.

"Come this way. Now." Darius motioned for Aphrodite to slide across the seat, and held his hand out so that she could take it. "Stay close," I heard him murmur to her and slly. &ldque creVaw her nod her head quickly. Keeping glued to Darius's side, she moved with him to my door. He leaned in, meeting our eyes. "Are you ready?" he asked quietly. The question was filled with so much more than those three simple words.

"Yes," Damien Copyright 2016 - 2024