Hunted House of Night - By Kristin Cast Page 0,64

eyelids to open.

"You won't have to. We found something that'll work better," Stevie Rae said. Before I could ask any questions she hurried on. "And Darius also said Z should bite Heath again for one fast suck before you head out. He said she ought to be gettin' real weak about now."

"That's okay. I'm fine. Let's just go," I said quickly. Yes, I felt like utter poop. No, I didn't want to bite Heath again. Well, I didn't mean I really didn't want to. I meant I really didn't think I should, especially with him being pissed at me just then.

"Just do it," Heath said. Suddenly he was there beside me, still holding the bottle of wine in one hand. He didn't even look at me. Instead he focused his attention on Erik. "So cut me." He held out his arm to Erik.

"My plea sure," Erik said.

"No. I'm not okay with this," I continued to protest.

In one blindingly quick movement Erik slashed Heath's forearm, and the scent of his blood hit me. I closed my eyes against the spike of desire and need that was driving into me with every breath I inhaled. I was gently jostled and then Heath's strong, warm thigh was again my pillow. He wrapped his arm around me so that his cut arm was just under my nose. I opened my eyes then and, ignoring the need that was screaming through my body, I looked up at Heath. He was staring across the room at nothing.

"Heath," I said. "I can't take anything from you you're not willing to give me."

He looked down at me and I saw several emotions cross his expressive face, the foremost of which was a terrible sadness. In a voice that sounded almost as weary as I felt, he said, "There's nothing I'm not willing to give you, Zo. When are you going to understand that? I'm just wishing you would leave me with a little pride."

His words broke my heart. "I love you, Heath. You know that."

His expression softened into a slight smile. "It's good to hear you say it." Then he looked from me to Erik. "Did you hear that, vamp? She loves me. And remember that no matter how big and bad you think you are, you'll never be able to do this for her." Heath lifted his arm so that the bloody slash Erik had made in it was pressed against my lips.

"Yeah, I see what you can do for her. I might have to put up with it, but I don't have to have it shoved in my face." Angrily knocking the blanket aside, Erik left the room.

"Don't think about him," Heath told me softly, stroking my hair. "Just drink from me and think about getting well."

I looked from the doorway to Heath's sweet gaze, and with a small moan I gave in to the need that raged within me. I drank from him, sucking in energy and life, passion and desire, along with his blood. I closed my eyes again, this time because of the intensity of the plea sure drinking from Heath gave me. I heard Heath's moan echo mine and felt him curl around me, pressing his arm more firmly against my lips and whispering sweet things to me that weren't entirely understandable.

My head was spinning by the time someone pulled Heath's arm from my grip. I felt stronger, even though my wound was burning like there was a fire camped out on my chest. But I was also feeling dizzy and weirdly giggly.

"Hey, she don't look right," Kramisha said.

"But I feel more right. Or is that righter? Which is it, Damien-Shamien?" I paused and giggled, which hurt my chest so I clamped my lips tight together to make myself stop.

"What's wrong with her?" Jack asked.

"There's definitely something abnormal going on," Damien said.

"I know what's wrong with her," Stevie Rae said. "She's drunk."

"Nuhuh! I don't even like to drink," I said, and then burped softly. "Oh, oopsie."

"Boyfriend is drunk. She just drank from boyfriend," Shaunee said. "So that means Z's trashed, too," Erin said. She and Shaunee had a wobbly Heath between them and they were guiding him back to the bed.

"Hey, I'm not drunk. Yet," Heath said. Then he collapsed onto the bed.

"I didn't know vamps could get drunk off a human's blood," Aphrodite said. "That's really interesting." She handed me my purse while she studied me like I was a specimen under a microscope.

"You'd think it was less interesting if you'd Copyright 2016 - 2024