Hunted House of Night - By Kristin Cast Page 0,5

Nyx, the personification of Night, had Marked me again as exclusively hers. Had set me apart, again, from all the other fledglings and vampyres in the world. No other fledgling had a filled-in, expanded Mark. That only happened after a kid went through the Change, and then the outline of the crescent moon on the forehead was filled in and expanded to a unique, one-of-a-kind tattoo that framed the face, proclaiming to the world that he or she was a vampyre.

So my face proclaimed that I was a vampyre, but my body said I was still a fledgling. And the rest of my tattoos? Well, that was something that had never happened before--not to a fledgling and not to a vamp, and even now I wasn't one hundred percent sure what it meant.

"Wow, Z, they're amazing," Damien's voice came from beside me. Hesitantly, he touched my palm.

I looked up from my hands to his friendly brown eyes, searching them for any trace of a change in the way he saw me. I looked for signs of hero worship or nervous ness or, even worse, fear. And what I had seen was just Damien--my friend--and the warmth of his smile.

"I felt it happening before, when we first got down here. I--I guess I just forgot," I said.

"That's our Z," Jack said. "Only she could forget something that's practically a miracle."

"More than practically," Shaunee said.

"But it's a Zoey miracle. They happen pretty much all the time," Erin said matter-of-factly.

"I can't keep a tattoo and she's covered in them," Aphrodite said. "Figures." But her smile took the bite from her words.

"They are the Mark of our Goddess's favor, showing that you are, indeed, traveling the path she would choose for you. You are our High Priestess," Darius spoke solemnly. "The one Nyx has Chosen. And, Priestess, I need your aid with Stevie Rae." "Ah, hell," I muttered, chewing my lip nervously and balling my hands into fists, hiding myd , c exotic new tattoos.

"Oh, for crap's sake! I'll stay and help," Aphrodite marched over to where Stevie Rae was sitting on the edge of her bed. "Blood and pain don't bother me at all as long as they're not mine."

"I should take this closer to the entrance to the tunnels. I'd probably have more luck getting reception there," Erik said, and without so much as a glance at me, or a word about my new tattoos, he disappeared through the blanket door.

"You know, I think food really was a good idea," Damien said, taking Jack's hand and starting to follow Erik out of the room.

"Yeah, Damien and I are gay. That means that we are guaranteed to be good cooks," Jack said.

"We're with them," Shaunee said.

"Yeah, we're not as convinced about the genetics of gay good cooking. We'd better supervise," Erin said.

"The blood. Don't forget the blood. Laced with wine, if you have it. She'll need it to recover," Darius said.

"One of the refrigerators is full of blood. Then find Venus," Steve Rae said, grimacing again as Darius took an alcohol wipe and began to clean the dried blood on her back from the skin around the protruding arrow. "She likes wine. Tell her what you need and she'll get it for you."

The Twins hesitated, passing a look between each other. Erin spoke for both of them. "Stevie Rae, are the red kids really okay? I mean, these are the kids who killed the Union football players and grabbed Z's human boyfriend, aren't they?"

"Ex-boyfriend," I said, but they ignored me.

"Venus just helped Erik," Stevie Rae said. "And Aphrodite stayed here for two days. She's still in one piece," Stevie Rae said.

"Yeah, but Erik is a big, healthy male vamp. He'd be hard to bite," Shaunee said.

"Even though he is definitely yummy," Erin said.

"True, Twin." Both of them had given me apologetic shrugs before Shaunee continued. "And Aphrodite is so damn nasty that no one would want to bite her."

"But we're little bits of vanilla and chocolate. We'd tempt even the nicest bloodsucking monster," Erin said.

"Your mom's a bloodsucking monster," Aphrodite said, smiling sweetly.

"If y'all don't stop bickering, I'm gonna bite you!" Stevie Rae yelled, then winced again and made little panting sounds as she tried to breathe through the pain.

"Guys, you're making her hurt herself, and you're giving me a headache." I said it quickly, getting more and more worried about how bad Stevie Rae looked by the second. "Stevie Rae says the red fledglings are okay. We just escaped from all hell Copyright 2016 - 2024