Hunted House of Night - By Kristin Cast Page 0,21

up before Stevie Rae could answer. "For the record, I'm willing to share my bed. My heart is more giving than Kramisha's."

"It ain't your heart you wanna share," Kramisha said.

"Don't go hatin' on me, baby!" Johnny B said, trying (unsuccessfully) to sound black.

Kramisha rolled her eyes at him. "You so crazy."

"Well, we have some sleeping bags," Stevie Rae broke in, sounding like she was on the verge of falling asleep. "Venus, could you show Zoey and the rest of the kids where they are? I guess y'all can sleep in whosever room you want to." She paused and smiled wearily at Kramisha. "Except Kramisha doesn't share her bed."

"But you can stay in my room. That's cool with me," Kramisha said. "Just not on the bed."

"Do all of you guys have rooms now?" I couldn't keep the surprise from my voice. This was all so different from the first time I'd been down here. Then the kids could barely have been called humanoid, and the tunnels were dark and dirty and creepy. Now the room we were crammed into was cozy, lit by flickering oil lanterns and candles, and the furniture was comfortable, obviously new, and even had cute matching pillows on the bed. It all seemed so normal. Was I just imagining that there was weird stuff going on with them because I was so darn tired I could hardly think?

"Any of us who wanted his or her own room has one," Venus answered me. "They're really not hard to fix up. In this part of the tunnels there're lots of little dead ends. We've been turning them into real rooms. I definitely have my own room." She smiled at Erik. I had to remind myself it probably wasn't ethical to evoke fire and have it burn all the hair off her bobble-head.

"This is probably where most of the bootleg liquor was bly was0 stored during Prohibition," Damien said. "It's logical because this is right here at the train tracks, and it would have been easy to sneak stuff in and out at night."

"That's so cool and romantic!" Jack sighed. "I mean, the whole 1920s flapper thing and juke joints and gangsters."

Damien smiled indulgently at Jack. "Actually, Prohibition lasted in Tulsa until 1957."

"Well, never mind. That's not so romantic. That's more like gay Bible Belt stuff." He giggled. "Gay! Hee hees."

"You're funny and cute. That's why I love you," Damien said, kissing Jack smack on the mouth and causing Duchess to bark happily.

"Okay, barf," Aphrodite said.

"Oh, and I have one more question," Jack said, frowning at Aphrodite.

As he started to put his hand up, I said, "Yes, Jack. What is it?"

"Where do we potty?"

"Potty? Did he really just say potty?" Aphrodite giggled until she snorted. We ignored her.

"That's easy," Stevie Rae said around a giant yawn. "Venus, would you show them?"

"You have a bathroom?" What? There was working plumbing in the tunnels?

Venus sneered a guess-you-don't-know-everything look at me. "Bathrooms, actually. With showers."

"Hot water showers?" Jack said enthusiastically.

"Of course. We're not barbarians," Venus said.

"How?" I said.

"They're in the depot building above us," Stevie Rae said. "We've done a lot of exploring in the building. It's totally boarded up, so no one can get in, except from the basement entrance, so we control who comes and goes."

"And we don't let just anyone in," Venus added, looking a little dangerous.

Okay, honestly, I was liking her less and less with every second. And this time it had nothing to do with her drooling over Erik.

"Exclusssssive. My kind of place," Aphrodite said, then she burped.

"Anyway"--Stevie Rae rolled her eyes at Aphrodite--"we were checking out the depot and we found two locker rooms--a guy's and a girl's. We figured they were for the depot employees. There's even a gym up there, too. Dallas did the rest." She plopped tiredly back on her pillows, giving Dallas a go-ahead-and-tell-the-rest-of it gesture.

Dallas shrugged nonchalantly, but his grin said he knew he'd done something cool. "I just found the water main connection to the depot and opened it up. The pipes were all still good."

"That's not all you did," Stevie Rae said.

He grinned at her and again I caught a thing between them. Hm&helliv- fp;I was definitely going to get the scoop from Stevie Rae later.

"Well, I also figured out how to turn on the electricity. That started the water heaters again, and then Aphrodite's credit card got us the extra-long extension cords and such that I spliced into the old tunnel lighting system. A little work here and there, Copyright 2016 - 2024