Hunted House of Night - By Kristin Cast Page 0,15

to protect you. I must know everything that has been going on."

"Agreed," I said, glad beyond words that we had an experienced Son of Erebus in our group.

"We could eat and talk," Jack said. When I looked at him, he gave me a big smile. "It always helps to eat with each other. A meal makes things better."

"Unless you're the meal," I heard Aphrodite mutter.

"Jack's right," Stevie Rae said. "Why don't y'all go grab some of the egg crates we have in the kitchen and some bags of chips and whatnot. Let's eat while we talk."

"Would the whatnot be more blood?" Venus said.

"Yes, it would," Stevie Rae said matter-of-factly, clearly not wanting to make a big deal out of the blood issue. "Fine. I'll go get some more," Venus said.

"Hey, while you're getting blood, grab me another bottle of wine," Aphrodite said.

"You know I'm not into charity, so you'll be paying me back," Venus said.

"I remember," Aphrodite said. "And you should remember that I pay my debts."

"Yeah, that's how you used to be, but seems you've made a change," she said.

"No shit? You mean you just now noticed I turned human?"

"Not what I was talking about. So just replace the wine," she added before leaving the room.

"Hey, weren't y'all roomies?" Stevie Rae asked Aphrodite.

Aphrodite ignored Stevie Rae and I had the urge to shake her and yell, Not talking to her or looking at her is not going to break your Imprint with her.

"Yes, they were," Erik said into the dead air, reminding me that because he and Aphrodite used to be together, he would know her roommate, maybe too well.

"Yeah, well, things change." Aphrodite found her voice.

"People change," I said, pulling my gaze from Erik.

Aphrodite met my eyes. Her lips curled up in a sad, sarcastic smile. "And that is too damn true," she said.
Chapter Five
"So we have p.b. and j., bologna, and processed American cheese slices." Jack said the "processed American cheese slices" part like he was reluctantly offering us worms and mud. "And my personal gourmet Top Chef concoction: mayonnaise, peanut butter, and lettuce on wheat bread."

"Okay, Jack. Nasty," Shaunee said.

"Have you lost your damn mind?" Erin said.

"Gay white boy is weird," Kramisha said, snagging one of the bologna and cheese sandwiches.

The Twins nodded and made "yep" noises as Kramisha joined them on a nearby egg crate.

Jack looked mortally offended. "I think they're good, and you guys should try things before you disrespect them."

"I'll try one of them," said Shannoncompton sweetly.

"Thanks." Jack grinned and handed her a sandwich wrapped in a paper towel.

There was the rustling of a lot of paper as all of us crowded into Stevie Rae's room, grabbed sandwiches, and passed bags of chips around. I was surprised to see the amount of food and chips and brown pop (yea for brown pop!). It made a weird, surreal mixture with the bottles of red wine and bags of blood that were being shared. I sat on the bed with Aphrodite and Darius and Stevie Rae, who was looking better and better. For a second, with the normal sounds of kids eating and talking, it was easy to imagine that we were just in a kind of ratty building at the House of Night and forget that we were in a tunnel under the city and that all of our lives were in the process of never being the same. For a second, we were nothing but a group of kids, some friends, some not, and we were just hanging out together. "Tell me what you know of the creature that rose from the earth and the bird beings that followed him." Darius's words made the whole just-hanging-out fa?ade crumple like a house of cards.? Jcrate.

"Sadly, we don't know as much about him as I wish we did, and what we do know comes from my grandma." I swallowed down the tightness in my throat that mentioning her caused. "Grandma's in a coma, so she can't help us right now."

"Oh, Z! I'm so sorry! What happened?" Stevie Rae cried, touching my arm.

"The official version is she was in a car accident. The truth is that the accident was caused by the Raven Mockers because she knew too much about them," I said.

"Raven Mockers--those are the beings that came out of the earth after the winged man appeared?" Darius said.

I nodded. "They're his children--what happened after he raped the women of my grandma's people more than a thousand years ago. When Kalona broke out of the Copyright 2016 - 2024