Hunted House of Night - By Kristin Cast Page 0,133

this child. Her words could not taint me, could not make me imagine the darkness I sense radiating from you."

Neferet's calm fa?ade cracked as she scoffed at the nun. "Human woman, you are a fool! Of course you sense darkness from me. My Goddess is Night personified!"

Sister Mary Angela's serenity wasn't a fa?ade, so her demeanor didn't change. She simply said, "No, I am acquainted with Nyx, and though she personifies Night, she does not traffic with darkness. Be honest, Priestess, and admit you have broken with your Goddess for that creature." The nun's hand swept toward Kalona, causing the dark folds of her habit to billow gracefully. "Nephilium, I recognize you. And in Our Lady's name I speak words you already know: You should leave this place and return to the realm whence you fell. Repent, and perhaps you may still be allowed to know eternity in paradise."

"Do not speak to him, woman!" Neferet shrieked, all pretense of serenity gone. "He is a god come to earth. You should worship at his feet!"

Kalona's laughter was terrible, and it caused the Raven Mockers to hiss as they moved restlessly all around us. "Ladies, do not battle over me. I am a god! There is enough of me for all of you to share." He spoke in response to Neferet and Sister Mary Angela, but his amber eyes stared straight at me.

"I will never be with you," I told him, ignoring everyone around us. "My choice will always be for my Goddess, and you are the opposite of everything she stands for."

"Do not presume--" Neferet began, but Kalona lifted one hand and cut off her words.

"A-ya, you misjudge me. Look deep within yourself to the maiden who was created to love me."

Something behind me stirred 58g?the crowd and I felt a little blip that told me our circle had been crossed, which could only happen if the Goddess herself allowed someone through. I wanted to look back and see who had joined us, but I couldn't take my eyes from Kalona's hypnotic gaze.

Then her hand slid into mine and love broke Kalona's spell. With a glad cry I glanced down to see Grandma sitting in a wheelchair that Heath had pushed up to me. She looked like she'd been through a war. Her arm was in a cast, and her head was bandaged. Her face was still swollen and discolored with bruises, but her smile was her own, as was the sweet sound of her voice.

"Did I hear you have need of me, my u-we-tsi-a-ge-ya?"

I squeezed her hand. "Grandma, I'll always need you!"

I glanced back at Heath, who smiled at me. "Kick his butt outta here, Zo," he said; then he moved back to join Erik and Darius.

Grandma, meanwhile, had somehow risen to her feet. She took two slow steps forward, staring out at the grove of trees and the Raven Mockers swarmed there. "Oh, sons of my mothers' mothers!" she cried and her voice carried like the sonorous beat of a tribal drum out into the night. "What have you allowed him to make you become? Do you not feel your mothers' blood? Can you not imagine their hearts breaking for you?"

Amazed, I watched several of the Raven Mockers turn their heads, as if they were unable to face my grandma. In others the red glow began to die in their eyes, and I recognized sorrow and confusion in their human depths.

"Be silent, Ani Yunwiya!" Kalona's voice boomed around us.

I knew Grandma recognized the ancient name of the Cherokee people. Slowly, she turned her attention to the winged being. "I see you, Old One. Will you never learn? Must women, once again, come together to defeat you?"

"Not this time, Ghigua. You will not find me so easy to trap this time."

"Perhaps this time we will simply wait for you to trap yourself. We are a very patient people, and you did it before," Grandma said.

"But this A-ya is different," Kalona said. "Her soul calls to me from her dreams. It won't be long before her waking body calls me, too, and then I shall possess her."

"No," I said firmly. "Thinking you can possess me, like I'm a piece of property, is your first mistake. My soul is drawn to you," I finally admitted aloud, and found a surprising strength in my honesty. "But like you said, I'm a different A-ya. I have free will, and my will is not to give myself to the darkness. So, here's the deal: Leave Copyright 2016 - 2024