Hunted House of Night - By Kristin Cast Page 0,121

Rae, because of her affinity. But I know in my heart she's blood." I sighed again.

"Could it be Anastasia? Her gift for spells and rituals is often grounded in the earth."

I thought about it, and sadly didn't feel the twinge that told me I had the right answer. "Nope, it's not her."

"Perhaps we're focusing on the wrong people. Spirit came from outside the House of Night, which is something I would not have anticipated. Maybe Earth does, too."

"Well, it's worth considering when you look at it like that."

"What person--not a fledgling or a vampyre--could symbolize Earth?"

"I guess the people I've known who are closest to the earth are my grandma's people. The Cherokee have always respected the earth, versus using and owning and abusing it. The worldview of traditional Cherokee people is much different than today's worldview." And then I suddenly closed my mouth and rested my forehead against Persephone's soft shoulder, whispering a small thank-you to Nyx.

"You know who it is, don't you?"

I looked up, smiling. "It's my grandma. She's Earth."

"Perfect!" Lenobia agreed. "Then you have them all!"

"Not Night. I still haven't figured out who--" I broke off as I registered Lenobia's knowing look. "Look deeper, Zoey Redbird, and I do believe you will discover who Nyx has Chosen to personify Night."

"Not me," I whispered.

"Of course it is you," Lenobia said. "The poem states it perfectly, `Night leads to Spirit.' None of us would have ever looked to the Benedictine Abbey or its prioress to fill in the pieces of the poetic puzzle, but you led us straight to it."

"If I'm right," I said a little shakily.

"Listen to your heart. Are you right?"

I drew a deep breath and searched inside me. Yes, it was there, the feeling I knew came from my Goddess, the feeling that told me I'd gotten it right. I met Lenobia's wise gray eyes. "I'm right," I said firmly.

"Then we need to get you and Aphrodite to the Benedictine Abbey."

"All of us," I said a I s M tutomatically. "It has to be Darius, the Twins, Damien, and Aphrodite. If something goes wrong, I have to have my circle together. Plus, my reception here hasn't been great, and if getting rid of Kalona doesn't snap the fledglings and faculty out of their weird obsession, I don't think I'll be coming back to school any time soon. And, of course, we still have to deal with Neferet; I'm going to need a lot of help for all of that."

Lenobia frowned slightly, but nodded. "I understand, and though it pains me, I am in agreement with you."

"You should come with us--you and Dragon and Anastasia. The House of Night is no place for you right now."

"The House of Night is our home," she said.

I met her eyes. "Sometimes the people closest to you betray you, and your home isn't a place you can be happy anymore. It's hard, but it's true."

"You sound very wise for your years, Priestess."

"Yeah, well, I'm a product of porce and crappy stepparenting. Who knew it would come in handy?"

We were laughing together when the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. Lenobia was on her feet in an instant. "We should get messages to your friends. They can meet here. It, at least, is safe from the ears and eyes of the Raven Mockers."

"Already done," I said. "They'll all be here in a little while."

"If Neferet realizes you're meeting here, it will go badly for us."

"I know," was what I said; Ah, hell, was what I thought.
Chapter Thirty
Despite the fact that it had started to sleet again, Damien, the Twins, Aphrodite, and Darius arrived just minutes after the bell rang.

"Nice note," Erin said.

"Very wily of you to get us here without having us think about it beforehand," Shaunee said.

"Well done, you!" Damien said. "But you are thinking of it now, so we need to be sure those thoughts are protected, and move and move fast with what ever it is we're going to do," Darius said.

"Agreed," I said. "Guys, summon your elements and get them to form a protective wall around your thoughts."

"No problem," Erin said.

"Yeah, we've been practicing," Shaunee said.

"Do you need me to cast a quick circle?" I asked.

"No, Z, we just need you to hush for a second," Damien said. "We've already had our elements primed and waiting."

"Partial herd of nerd, get to it!" Aphrodite said.

"Shut up!" the Twin D#(* ]s yelled at her.

Aphrodite snorted at them and went to stand beside Darius, who automatically put Copyright 2016 - 2024