Hunted House of Night - By Kristin Cast Page 0,11

to the red fledgling as she spoke, but I'd been watching Aphrodite gripe at the Twins (and was getting ready to step in and tell everyone to shut up), so I saw the brief flash of what looked like a mixture of embarrassment and discomfort cross Aphrodite's face before she got a handle on her expression and said coolly, "Nerd herd, this is Venus. Dorkamese Twins and Damien, you should remember my ex-roommate who died about six months or so ago."

"Actually, it seems reports of my death were premature," the pretty blonde said smoothly. Then something totally bizarre happened. Venus paused and sniffed the air. I mean she literally lifted her chin and took several short, sharp sniffs in Aphrodite's general direction. The red fledglings that still clustered together behind her followed her lead, and I watched them sniff, too. Then Venus's blue eyes widened and in a very amused voice she said, " interesting."

"Venus, do not--" Stevie Rae began, but Aphrodite cut her off.

"No. It doesn't matter. Everyone might as well know."

With a mean smile the blonde continued. "I was just going to say how interesting it is that Stevie Rae and Aphrodite have Imprinted."
Chapter Four
I had to clamp my jaws shut to keep from gasping along with the Twins.

"Ohmigod! Imprinted! Really?" Jack blurted.

Aphrodite shrugged. "Apparently." I thought she looked way too nonchalant, and she was totally avoiding even glancing in Stevie Rae's direction, but I think almost everyone else in the room was fooled by her "what ever" attitude.

"Well, spank me and call me your baby!" Shaunee said.

"Make that a double spanking, Twin," Erin chimed in. And then the two of them burst into semi-hysterical giggles.

"I think it's interesting." Damien spoke up so he could be heard over the cackling Twins.

"Me, too," Jack said. "In a freaky, ohmigod way."

"Sounds like Karma has finally caught up with Aphrodite," Venus said with a sneer that made her beauty turn reptilian.

"Venus, Aphro iv dite just saved my life. Again. And it's really not right that you're being ugly to her," Stevie Rae said.

Aphrodite finally looked at Stevie Rae. "Do not start doing that." "Doin' what?" Stevie Rae asked.

"Standing up for me! We may have somefuckinghow Imprinted, and that's bad enough. But Do. Not. Go. All. BFF. On. Me!" she said slowly and distinctly.

"Your bein' hateful will not change this," Stevie Rae said.

"Look, I'm just going to play like this never happened." A wave of giggles from the Twins had Aphrodite glaring their way. "Dorkamese Twins, I will figure out a way to smother both of you while you sleep if you do not stop laughing at me."

Naturally, the Twins erupted into louder guffaws.

Turning her back on them, Aphrodite faced me. "So, like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted times ten: pain-in-the-ass Venus, this is Zoey, the super fledgling I'm sure you've heard so much about, and Darius, the Son of Erebus warrior who you will not be sneaking around with, and Jack. He won't be sneaking around with you, either, but mostly because he's gay as a French pastry. His other half is Damien, the guy who is staring at me like a fucking science project. You already know that the Twins are the laughing heads over there."

I could feel Venus's eyes on me, so I managed to tear my gaze from Aphrodite (Imprinted! To Stevie Rae!) to look at her. Sure enough, she was staring at me with an intense expression that made me instantly defensive. I was still trying to decide whether my negative reaction to Venus was because she was (obviously) a bitch, because she had been skulking around the tunnels with Erik, or because I had a bad feeling about the red fledglings in general when she spoke up.

"Zoey and I have already met, but it was unofficial. Seems last time I saw her she was trying to kill us."

I put a hand on my hip and met her cold, blue-eyed stare. "While we're taking this trip down Memory Lane, you might want to get a clue. I wasn't trying to kill anyone. I was trying to save a human kid you guys were trying to eat. Unlike you, I would have much rather been at IHOP munching on chocolate chip pancakes than football players."

"That doesn't make the girl you killed any less dead," Venus said as the red fledglings behind her stirred restlessly.

"Z? You killed someone?" Jack asked.

I opened my mouth to answer, but Venus beat me to it. "She did. Elizabeth No Last Copyright 2016 - 2024