Hunted House of Night - By Kristin Cast Page 0,107

that you're a pain."

"All right. Let's start with `loquacious.'" He pointed his pencil at the word.

Shaunee shrugged. "Isn't that something out of Star Trek?" "Sounds right to me," Erin said.

Damien gave them a look of disgust I knew he didn't have to act to put on. "No, simpletons, this is what it means." He wrote: Dragon is on our side. "So, Erin, why don't you try the next word, `voluptuous'?"

"Oooh, I know what that one means," Shaunee said, grabbing Damien's pencil before he could pass it to Erin. Beside `voluptuous' she quickly wrote: me! Then, farther down on the page, she scrawled: Anastasia is 2.

"You know I consider using texting shorthand gauche," Damien said.

"Don't care," Shaunee said.

"Even if we knew what `gauche' meant," Erin said.

"I'll take the next word," I said. Ignoring the next vocab word, I wrote: We gotta get out of here to night, but can't use the Hummer. Can't cloak it. I paused, chewing my lip, and then added, Got to be careful. N knows we're going to try to leave. "I guess I don't know what that next one means after all. Can you help me out, Damien?"

"No problem." Damien wrote: We need to get out of here fast. Before they can stop us.

"Okay, hang on. I'll try the next word. Just let me think about it for a sec." We all ate silently while I thought, but not about the vocab word "ubiquitous" (seriously, I could have thought about that forever and not figured out what it meant).

We needed to get off campus, under my cloaking, as soon as possible. But Neferet was expecting us to try to bolt; she'd made that clear. This meant she'd be listening in to our lunchroom conversations, not just via the Raven Mockers but inside Damien's and the Twins' minds the second she was physically close enough to them to make her psychic eavesdropping work. Again, I thought how relieved I was that no one but Stevie Rae and I knew I'd really be running to the Benedictine Abbey instead of the depot tunnels. Thanks to my note-passing skills and--

"That's it!"

The Twins and Damien stared at me. I grinned at them. "I remembered what `ubiquitous' means!" I lied. "And I have an idea about studying. I'm going to write definitions for some of the words on pieces of paper. I'll give one to each of you, which you're going to be expected to study and learn. When you learn the word, pass it back to me, and I'll give you another one. It'll be kinda like flashcards."

"Have you lost your damn mind?" Shaunee said.

"No," Damien said perkily. "It's a good idea. It'll be fun."

I was ripping strips of notebook paper and writing furiously on them: Get to the stables. After folding each one carefully, I said, "Just think about the definitions we've gone over. Don't read the word I gave you until the bell rings for the end of sixth hour. I mean it." I handeE?I# zd each of them their "word."

"Okay, okay, we get it," Erin said, stuffing her note into the pocket of her designer jeans.

"Yeah, what ever. You two are turning into teachers. And that's not a compliment," Shaunee said, taking her piece of paper.

"Just remember, don't peek until the bell," I said.

"We won't," Damien said. "And when we do, maybe we should call our inpidual elements to us, just to help us focus?" "Yes!" I said, smiling gratefully at Damien.

"Speaking of." Shaunee grabbed the sheet of paper we'd been writing on. "I'm going to take this to the ladies' room and do my own studying with my element." She looked long and hard at me, and I nodded, understanding that she was going to call fire to her and destroy the evidence of our "subterfuge," which was a big word I actually knew the definition of.

"I'll go with you, Twin. You might need my, er, help." Erin hurried after her.

"At least we don't have to worry about Shaunee lighting the school on fire from the bathroom," Damien whispered.

"Holy shit, I'm starved!" Aphrodite breezed in and plopped down next to me. Her plate was loaded with spaghetti. She looked gorgeous, as usual, but a little frazzled. Her hair, which she normally wore long and flowing all around her shoulders, was pulled back in what might have once been a chic, puffed-top ponytail, but now looked actually messy.

"Are you okay?" I whispered, throwing a look at the window and giving Aphrodite what I hoped was a be-quiet-they-can-hear-us Copyright 2016 - 2024