The Hunt (By Kiss and Claw #2) - Melissa Haag Page 0,89

can I help?”

“Something’s wrong with Fenris.”

My selfish thoughts came to a screeching halt.

“What do you mean? Is he hurt?”

“Yes, but nothing serious. He got into a major fight with Eras about thirty minutes ago. Adira appeared and broke it up after Eras’s mermaids drew blood. The scratch will be fine, but I don’t think Fenris is. He hasn’t been acting like himself all day. He’s angry, Eliana. I’ve never seen him angry before. He yelled at us to leave him alone.”

While there was a slight whine in her voice at the end, there was also very real worry. Fenris was rarely anything but playful.

“Where are you guys now?” I asked.

“We’re headed home. We think that’s where he went.”

“You think?”

“He ran into the woods at the Academy. We already searched those, though.” There was a pause. “He’s not easy to find when he doesn’t want to be found. But I know he worries about you, so I was hoping you’d help us look for him.”

“Of course. I’ll try calling him and see if he answers.”

“He won’t. He left everything when he ran. Will you meet us at Blueleaf?”

“Blueleaf? Why? I mean, I will. I just don’t understand how I’m going to be able to help.”

“Last time he was hiding, he came out to see why you were roaming around our woods. I was hoping that you’d be willing to run with us. I would have called sooner, but after Aubrey snooped on his phone to find Megan’s number, he locked his phone. I had to find Eugene to get your number. Will you help us?”

“Yes. I’ll be right there.”

When I hung up, I noted I had Mom and Dad’s attention.

“Sorry. I need to cut this visit short. Fenris got into a fight at the Academy and ran off. His girls are hoping I can help them find him.”

“They’re very clever to use you as bait, baby. After last night, you know no one can resist you. Go help your friends and have fun. Let me know if we’re still going to the Quills' for dinner. I’ll make sure I’m suitably hungry.”

Her smile made me think of Mrs. Quill’s worried phone call and her willingness to feed us both.

“I think that will depend on finding Fenris in time,” I said. “But I’ll let you know.”

After raiding Dad’s wardrobe for an extra shirt for warmth, I headed for pack territory. The girls were waiting for me in the parking lot. While I layered up, Jenna explained the plan.

“We’ll split up, each heading in a different direction. Eliana, since you’ve already been north, you take that one. Remember the tree?”

I nodded even though all the trees looked pretty much the same to me.

“Good. When you get there, call me, and I’ll guide you to the next place to check. GPS works out here, so just keep heading north, and you’ll be fine. Call me if you find him.” She looked at the other two. “Agreed? We call each other?”

Their worry was so thick I could almost taste it.

“We’ll call,” Willow agreed. “I just want him back to his old self again.”

They created a group text so I would have all of their numbers then Willow and Laurel jogged off.

“I’ll walk with you for a bit and get you on the right path,” Jenna said, tagging along with me. “Are you going to be warm enough?”

“If I get cold, I’ll jog for a bit,” I said since my toes were already cold from standing in the parking lot.

We walked in silence, skirting around Blueleaf before Jenna spoke again.

“The elders are putting too much pressure on Fenris. Pack runs don’t last until dawn. We’re burst animals. We might jog a lot, but we’re not meant to run indefinitely, and that’s what Fenris was doing last night. Running like crazy. He had to be exhausted. Yet he went to class like normal. I think it was just too much. That’s why he snapped, right?”

Guilt hit me hard. I’d been so insensitive this morning. When he’d mentioned cuddling, I hadn’t even considered it was because he was tired. I’d thought it was just his way of pushing at my boundaries. And it probably had been, but only as a secondary purpose.

“I’m sure that’s it,” I said, answering Jenna.

She gestured to the right. “This is where you want to start. Walk straight north, and you’ll find the tree. Thanks again for helping.”

With a nod, I started in the direction she’d indicated. It was laughable how short a distance I’d Copyright 2016 - 2024