The Hunt (By Kiss and Claw #2) - Melissa Haag Page 0,104

stupid.” With a grunt, I pulled my foot free and tossed the jeans on top of the pile by the door. Dressed in my bralette and underwear, I wrapped the towel around my torso.

“You can come out if you’re appropriately covered,” I said.

The door swung open, and Fenris strode out with a towel riding low on his hips. Covering his boy bits hadn’t done a thing to mute his mouthwatering appeal. The expanse of his muscled chest drew more than my gaze.

I realized what I was doing on the third step I’d taken toward him.

The corner of his mouth tipped up when I stopped.

“I was thinking the same thing,” he said. “That towel is teasing me in all the right ways.”

My vision changed, and my hunger stirred.

Mom took that moment to open the door. I didn’t think, I reacted. My head swung in her direction.

“Leave now, Mother.”

Her eyes went wide, and she immediately backed out of the room.

Fenris moved closer, his radiating heat warming my skin without a single touch.

“You’re cold and hungry,” he said softly. “Any chance you’d consider feeding?”

I stared at the door, refusing to turn my head and look at him. If I did, I’d lose any remaining control I had.

“I’m cold and hungry,” I said, echoing his words to acknowledge the truth in them. “Now might not be the time to push me, or you’ll find yourself alone in my mom’s house.”

Moving around him, I grabbed his clothes then mine. I didn’t try to tell him to stay, already knowing he wouldn’t listen. We’d come here for a reason, and he’d see it through. Hopefully, my sanity would remain intact until we were done.

Dad paused in the hallway when I opened the bedroom door. We both stared at each other for a few seconds before he held out his arms for the clothes.

“Your mom is in the kitchen. She would like to speak with you if you’re willing.”

Fenris cleared his throat lightly behind me. I barely refrained from rolling my eyes at his blatant demand for an introduction.

“Dad, this is Fenris. My boyfriend.” Those last two words were so hard to say. But, I hoped it would help speed along our visit.

Fenris’s hand extended around me, and Dad briefly clasped it.

“It’s nice to finally meet you, Mr. Howland. I apologize for showing up unannounced.”

“Nonsense. Any friend of Eliana’s is welcome here.” Dad’s gaze shifted to me. “Fenris can stay with me if that will make you more comfortable while you talk to your mother.”

Given my reaction to her when she’d opened the door, I nodded in agreement.

“Let’s see if we can find you something more than a towel to wear,” Dad said, motioning to Fenris.

I made my way to the kitchen, my stomach twisting with my nerves and guilt. Mom waited at the table. She didn’t stand and hug me like she usually did. Instead, she looked at the table while she spoke to me.

“Baby, I’m so sorry. I never meant to interrupt you. I only…” She sniffled ominously, and I hurried to hug her.

“No, Mom, I’m sorry. I have no excuse for how rude I was just now other than it’s been a very stressful morning.”

Mom hugged me back hard.

“You weren’t rude, baby. You were glorious in your protection of what is yours.”

I flinched, and she felt it because she released me to look me in the eyes.

“I admit, I’m not sure what you need right now. Your reaction is a very typical reaction any succubus about to feed would give. While I don’t think you want to hear that or think about it, I can’t let you believe for a moment that I’m upset by that very natural display. But it does tell me that you’re very serious about Fenris, and I swear to you that I recognize your claim on the boy and that you have nothing to fear from me. Because he’s yours, I’ll view him as a son.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

“Unless he hurts you. Then, I’ll view him from the top of his grave.”

I couldn’t stop the surge of anger that erupted.

“You are glorious, Eliana,” Mom said, immediately looking at the table again. “I’m so proud of the woman you’re becoming and for finding your own way to become her.”

Her words calmed me enough that I could retreat a few steps.

“We shouldn’t have come here,” I said.

“Of course you should have. Your father is ecstatic to meet Fenris. Sit down. Tell me that he makes you happy and dislikes Adira as much as Copyright 2016 - 2024