Hungry Wolf - Aidy Award Page 0,8

clench was just for show. Perfect. That's what she wanted. Totally. One hundred percent.

“I'm down to play.” As long as he didn't play with her heart. He wouldn't. She had the uncomfortable feeling she was the one using her emotions like a toy.

“Then let's show the peanut gallery back there we're both planning to score.” His eyes went fifty shades darker and that electricity zinging between their lips crashed like a thousand bolts of lightning as he finally closed the last millimeter and kissed her.

His lips were soft, which sent her senses going haywire because this kiss was nothing even close to gentle. His tongue thrust inside. He stole the breath from her and didn't give it back. This rough way he took her mouth, like he was claiming it for himself, had all of her long-ignored desires popping their heads up and cheering.

She should break the kiss. Say something funny and break this tension between them. All the ideas of funny sports references she could come up with flew straight out of her head and were quickly replaced with visions of that tongue of his doing the same taking and tasting and thrusting all over her body.

If this was a hello kiss, she was going to be in a lot of trouble when it came time for the goodbye.


Helena was so hot in Aleksei's arms. If he didn't burn up in a fireball of lust, he was going to melt into a puddle of sexual need and desire on the floor right in front of her. The moment her lips hit his he knew. God dammit. He. Knew.

She was his fated mate, the one woman in the world made especially for him. His body stood up and cheered, his heart was already sending out the mating ceremony invitations, but his brain was pulling the emergency brake.

He never should have suggested a fake relationship. If he didn't put a stop to it right away, he wouldn't be able to help himself. He'd mark her and claim her for his own. That was something he couldn't do. He would not condemn this beautiful, vibrant woman to a living hell of being the mate of a nothing such as he’d become.

Except she felt so good in his arms, so perfect, so fucking...his.

Helena's tongue danced with his, daring him to play her sexy games. Despite his mind telling him this was all kinds of wrong, he couldn't help reveling in the kiss. Just one. He'd savor her smoking hot mouth and keep that memory close for all eternity. This brief moment in time would ease his suffering night after night as he remembered how absolutely right they were for each other.

Aleksei pushed his hands into her hair, gripping the strands tight and holding her to him so he could taste every bit of those sexy little whimpers she made. Her hand went to his ass and gave it a squeeze.

Fuck, how he loved a confident, eager woman. He returned the favor, sending one hand wandering up and down her back, caressing the curve at her waist, and tracing down over her hip. His cock was straining against his jeans and nothing but her body would give him the relief he needed.

Okay, so he was going to savor this kiss and a bit more. No harm in a little dry humping. Aleksei walked the two of them back, never once letting their lips part. He put one hand over her head on the slats of wood and used his own body to press her against the wall. Bottles of liquor rattled and the next second the turkey-eaters were catcalling and whistling at them from the other room.

Helena didn't seem to care because she didn't break the kiss either. This could all be an act from her. She'd agreed to pretending to hook up as fast as he suggested it. She was probably putting on a show for her friends. She already had the skills to make people believe she was all about sex and emotion. In her job, that came with the territory.

Exotic dancers had great acting skills. He was sure of that. There was no way he could tell if any of her pure heat was real. She sure tasted and felt like she wasn't faking a thing. He shouldn't be worrying about, anyway.

He was the one who wanted, no needed, this budding relationship to be pretend. They were putting on a show, he had to play his part too. Fine. Good. He Copyright 2016 - 2024