Hungry Wolf - Aidy Award Page 0,5

be one of the Troika pack wolf shifters. He was too good-looking not to be.

Duh. Of course he was. Selena was all about getting all of the single men in the pack matched up with mates. A bead of sweat formed on her top lip and she swiped at it. That's what was truly going on here. The matriarch of the wolf pack wanted her to be a mate. This man’s mate.

Umm. What? She'd watched all the cray-cray stuff that Heli went through when she became Kosta's mate. She'd gotten psychic visions. Gal had become a freaking werewolf when she got together with Max. Helena was not even ready to get into a relationship with any guy, much less change her whole damn life for him.

Nope. No way. Even if he was the hottest, yummiest guy she'd ever met in her entire life. No.

She would have to implement the gravy down the front of his shirt plan. Helena bit her lip. Her date already had a scowl on his face. With that kind of mad on, she could tell he didn't want to be here anymore than she wanted him to be. When she poured the bowl of turkey-flavored gloop on him, he was either going to explode and eat her face, or thank her for giving him an excuse to escape this setup.

Selena tugged on the guy's sleeve and dragged him toward the table.

Here goes nothing.

Helena grabbed the gravy as if she intended to move it to the other end of the table and turned so she wasn't facing them straight on. That way, when she turned to greet him, she could accidentally on purpose bump into that amazingly broad chest and oops-a-daisy, gravy goo down his front.

She was not imagining licking all the gravy off of his finely-formed pecs. No she was not.

“Helena dear, I have someone who wants to meet you.” The crafty matchmaker shoved the wall of growly man in front of her and right up to Helena's side.

She didn't even have time to enact her plan. The hulk of a wolf man was all up in her space and instead of pouring the gravy down the front of him to get rid of him, she hugged it to her chest. “Hi.”

“Hello.” His eyes flicked from her own, down to her mouth, and kept going.

Dude was already checking out her rack and they hadn't even exchanged names yet. She wanted to be mad, but instead it made her feel desirable. She knew full well she had great boobs, but she wasn't exactly showing them off tonight. She was wearing a plain old v-neck t-shirt and jeans. What would he be staring at if she had on one of her dancing outfits?

A warm sensation spread over her heart and she licked her lips. This must be that mating thing the girls had talked about. Gal, Heli, and Zara all said they felt something visceral and extra special when they were with their wolves. Was this it? A warm gooey feeling across her skin.

One of his eyebrows went up and his gaze continued down, down, down. “You're dripping gravy.”

Helena glanced down and the bowl was tipped just enough so that a small but steady stream of gravy was dribbling down her cleavage. Still, she couldn't seem to move to do anything about it.

Hotty Wolfboy, ahem, make that Wolfman, took the bowl from her and swiped one finger over her sternum, catching the drip and cleaning the gravy from her skin. Where he touched her skin a trail of heat burned into her, much hotter and more intense than the spilled side dish.

She held her breath, waiting to see what he would do next. She wasn't disappointed. He brought his finger up to his mouth and sucked every last drop away. “Mmm.”

“Well, I can see my work here is finished. Good job, me.” Selena backed away and joined her family at the table.

Helena barely noticed, but Wolfman did. He stepped back and blinked a few times. “Sorry. I shouldn't have—”

He grabbed a napkin from the table and handed it to her.

“Thanks.” She took the napkin and wiped the remaining stickiness away. “I'm Helena by the way. I guess we're supposed to be dates for each other tonight.”

She wasn't entirely sure how she felt about that anymore. She did not not not need to be fixed up on a blind date. She didn't need any dates for that matter, but the dude was delectable, and Selena did have excellent taste Copyright 2016 - 2024