Hungry Wolf - Aidy Award Page 0,37

contents. A bag of make-up, her wallet, sunglasses, breath mints, her Kindle, a handful of receipts, an emergency pair of undies, eyedrops, and a nail file all fell out, but no cell phone. After a full minute of shoving the detritus around, her phone was still nowhere to be found. Dammit. She must have left it at the club.

Why, oh why, did she get rid of her landline? Who cared if she hadn't called anyone on it in years, she was getting that reinstalled tomorrow. Aleksei was going to freak out when she told him they couldn't call for backup.

She grabbed his shirt from the pile of clothes on the floor and pulled it on over her head. It was long enough that it went to the tops of her thighs. Not the best idea to go swinging a baseball bat at attacking wolves naked. Hmm...unless that would distract them.

She did have great tits.

Along with the bat from the closet, she also picked up the little metal nail file. If the TSA didn't want something like this on a flight, then it was a good enough weapon for her. She could probably poke someone's eye out with it. Or shove it up their nose and scramble their brains.

As quietly as possible, she crept back down the hall to the bedroom. But when she got there, the bedroom wasn't a bedroom.

It was a war zone.

Save the Stripper, Save the World

Fucking one-bloods.

Aleksei thought they were finally rid of these scum of the earth when Niko had become the Wolf Tzar.


He guessed they hadn't all changed their ways and seen the light. Nope. They must have gone into hiding. Or at least hidden who and what they really were. Greedy lackeys who couldn't think for themselves.

At least that's what this crew was.

I won't ask you again. Where's your human whore, you weak piece of shit? The largest of the intruders paced back and forth behind his muscle.

You're the one hiding behind those weaker than you. Why don't you come over here and get a taste of how real wolves battle? Aleksei wouldn't normally talk shit like this. He preferred simply to rip out the throats of this kind of trash. Back in the days when he was the best of the Troika Enforcers, he would have already been spitting out their blood.

His months of moping and feeling sorry for himself, of grieving the loss of his alpha, hadn't been good for his fighting skills or his muscle tone. He was out of shape and had it not been for the grey wolf, he and Helena might already be dead, or worse.

Because he wasn't in top form, he was forced to stall for time, to allow Helena to call in the real reinforcements.

The two enforcers lowered their heads, readying for another attack. Even though they'd already gotten their asses beaten down by the grey wolf, they were wearing him down, and they knew it. Aleksei and his new ally, the lone wolf, were all that stood between these bastards and Helena.

What do you want with my...woman? Can't find one of your own? He'd almost fucked up and called Helena his mate. He hadn't marked or claimed her yet. Not officially anyway. He had with his heart and soul, but that didn't outwardly show.

The leader of the mangy crew snarled. She is of no consequence to me, but she offended the sensibilities of someone much higher up the food chain. I suspect your woman will likely be eaten for lunch to make an example of her. You'd do well to hand her over so you don't end up as collateral damage.

The grey wolf didn't like that one bit. His hackles rose up and he stood taller. He had the bearing of an alpha who expected the rest of the world to bow down to him.

Just who was this guy?

Aleksei had never seen a wolf fight like this loner before. He was all skill and brutal grace. The closest he'd ever seen to this style of fighting was Niko after he'd come home from Russia. They sure could use Niko's help now. Fuck, he hoped they were on their way.

Because there was no way in hell he was retreating back into the house where his precious but badass Helena would try to defend them all with nothing more than a piece of wood.

He should have fucking marked her. Maybe then she'd develop the ability to shift, like Galyna had. She was one ferocious wolftress.

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